
Wow, the Oddsmaker is so bad at watching this show it's crazy. I'm trying to remember a single time he was right these past few weeks despite a ridiculous number of major deaths.

Alright… I'm gonna make a prediction about the next episodes score…

Uhh…. no?

What's the conflict in My Dinner With Andre? Or Boyhood? Or The Before Films?

I think we should have more women behind the scenes in film, but saying that women in film will lead to world peace is quite a… well… bold argument, to say the least.

This isn't a new idea. Far from it. The Ring (and of course, Ringu), did this first, and it was arguably the most popular horror movie of the 2000s.

There are like, 500 alternate universes in Marvel. This is one where Gwen was bitten instead of Peter.

Eh… to me, it felt like a schlocky version of Girls with a bit of Batgirl in at the end. Like, I was half expecting her to go full Lena Dunham and start walking around naked everywhere.

I think you're forgetting the most famous documentary that changed course during its filming. Dear Zachary. Where the course changes not once, but twice.

Wow, I like how they chose the MOST spoilery clips to show.

He should win just for Don's reaction to the season semi-finale, and how it completely transformed the scene.

The Poosroom.

The chubby loser goth girl was more of the slash fiction community, which let's be honest, Moffat must be very creeped out about at this point, whereas tumblr was Anderson.

Personally, I thought that was clever, as Sherlock basically realized this guy was more clever than him and was also an evil dickhead, so he just shot him point blank, would've been better if he'd shot him before they arrived.