What this one says.
What this one says.
It's a HUGE deal here in eastern Europe. Seriously, everyone's wanting NHL players to get eliminated from the playoffs so they can come home and have some rest before the serious matches.
Anyone who expects honest, sincere discussion of sex from Lifetime is way more optimistic than I'll ever be.
Pinkerton is for…really impotent anger?
"Fuck You, Aurora" was my anger jam for awhile.
Anything on "Live Through This" is great music to be angry to.
Chris can't even respond to any genuine compliments or expressions of affection anymore.
The podcast comes off as overly rehearsed. Not to say that other podcasts aren't outlined, but theirs is particularly rote.
"Black Lipstick" is an amazing track.
Community commits to its zanyness, but it expects the viewer to hold it at arm's length a little. It gets too meta for me at times, even though I genuinely like the show. I appreciate the straightforward earnestness of P&P a lot more, though.
Most people on here are genuinely nice and open-minded. It's the few trolls we have that stir up 90% of the shit.
Mike Pesca is a goddamn national treasure.
There's a reason he works for Deadspin. But frankly, though, Deadspin (or HUAL) wouldn't exist today if it wasn't for Page 2, as ridiculous as it could be sometimes.
Any time, sniveling capitalist.
Russia Today isn't Russian television; it's a Kremlin-funded news channel broadcast exclusively in the west. This has been your Russian pedantry update for today.
I was hoping the advice episode would be more like what they did on Facebook/the CBC page around Christmas where Gregor gave funny advice to people who wrote in.
Yeah, Wiretap can pull of comedy better than pathos, generally. The seven deadly sins series has been pretty good, but other than that, it's been an eh season.
I love Majora's Mask. It's one of the most creative plots I've seen in a video game.