
This is why I love teaching adults who don't speak English.

I must be a terrible person, then. Chicago's news is basically shooting, gang shooting, car crash, our politicians hate us. But I'd drink to it.

This would hardly be the first time TLC received a decent reality show premise and screwed it up.

1 shot every time you hear, "Back to you."
1 shot for every mention of post-Christmas sales
Chug a beer during the pre-weather banter among the anchors

I'd watch a Travel Channel blooper show that had Bourdain dropping barbs about the antics on screen.

Only if you travel on their domestic flights. Even then, they're still better than the low-cost carriers here.

He is, in fact. And she had sex with him at least five times.

Everyone in Moscow and most in Petersburg speak some English. And I've lived here over a year and have yet to pay a bribe.

Please visit! It's a bit overwhelming, can be expensive, and is definitely corrupt (though as a tourist, you won't notice).

Appears to be Bagbeir. Pretty much swill, but you can buy it in two liter bottles. Also, the one dude has a Chelsea jersey, so fuck him.

Caroline Kennedy- the least essential Kennedy.

I prefer magnum cum laude.

I'll only buy one if it's anything like Alien vs. Predator.

Facebook: making you feel superior since 2004.

The Zwan album is okay, not great, but fine.

Challenge: work Quacker Factory apparel into your Meryl Streep outfit.

Every time I read "Quacker Factory," I think "Quaker Factory," as if there's some facility in central PA that turns them out.

All this free shit proves what I've suspected all along- AVC are the 1%.

Have you ever seen a cat in heat? They're all damn slutty then.

Chicka Cherry Cola