
The showblocker list that this review linked to is really, really terrible

@avclub-9df769dcd39a93c63a340c5713fc277e:disqus I think he assumes that he'll be able to manipulate Sansa once she has claim to the Vale and the North and exert some sort of control through her. He'll probably also have benefited from arranging such a situation. She cares for Peter, who "rescued" her from King's

(Spoilers for the whole series)
I totally agree with you that they missed out on his spirit. In the books, Dany's attraction to Daario is an externalization of the draw she feels towards violence/war. She's Aegon the Conqueror come again with 3 amoral winged nuclear warheads and a fiery temper. Daario is the man who

@mtraptor:disqus I imagine the reason that the crowd was so homogeneous in coloration is because they casted all the extras locally in Morocco which is 99.1% Arab-Berber, which probably was a bad decision

The homogeneous coloration of the slaves was problematic and really shouldn't be the case given what we know about Slaver's Bay but I think it probably has something to do with using extras from Morocco which is 99.1% Arab-Berber

I think to Tyrion killing Shae and Tywin will be episode 9

I can't imagine show Jon winning an election

Yeah, there was also Aemon saying that he's no lord because maesters give up all their titles.

They'll probably just keep Brienne in the dungeon until after the Purple Wedding after which Jaime will be somehow able to have her released.

Anna Gunn's plastic surgery actually really distracted me at first. But, as with Portia, I got used to it pretty quickly

Not at first, but near the end of Roseanne's run they turned Leon and Scott into extreme gay stereotypes.

They should've paired her off with Ross more often. They have an interesting dynamic what with her new age interests and him being a scientist

There are no spoilers in that paragraph


@avclub-fddd7938a71db5f81fcc621673ab67b7:disqus I hope they make her suitably deranged and bloodthirsty

You don't think they'll include the actual assault on Castle Black this year?

Catelyn, for all intents and purposes, is dead. She isn't the same character after she comes back.

(Spoilers) Seeing as Catelyn comes back as basically a completely different character, I'm OK with it and I don't think it robs her death of any of its impact. She's not Jean Grey

They did send a box of cosmetics though.

I've only seen the first episode but I really didn't find it funny. Should I expect it to get funnier, or is it just not to my tastes?