
I'm a big fan of freaks and Geeks and Arrested Development (never seen Undeclared), but they are two pretty different shows so I don't think liking Arrested Development will automatically mean you'll like Freaks and Geeks. They're both quality TV IMO but in totally different ways.

I'm just kidding, I don't watch Dallas.

I say having the original guy is a good idea for the adaptation, which might not be a very good idea in and of itself in the first place.

He always acted especially dog like when the girl was around and then would start doing human things and being kind of an asshole when it was just him and the protagonist.

a TV show that makes some goddamn sense.

Dude but it's history MADE EVERY DAY!

On behalf of the whole internet
meh (with attitude)


Yes, yes I did. Honest mistake, please don't eat my family.

Rap artist names have gotten so ridiculous that using your real name (or atleast a shorthand version) counts as being creative and original.

actually those 2 were pretty much what I had in mind when I said I like episodes built around Itchy and Scratchy.

Eh it's one of the better ones but still not my cup of tea. I'm not saying that since I personally don't find them that funny that that means the bits are unarguably and objectively humorless, they just don't do it for me. I don't really see humor in extreme violence at all (not because of any moral objection or

I know I'm probably alone on this but I never really got any laughs out of the "Itchy and Scratchy" bits themselves (some good episodes were written around plots concerning them though).

The first few were sorta Bart and Homer oriented, bu we are just a few episodes away from "Moaning Lisa" where all her major character traits get solidified.

It seems like in their earliest appearance the intense piety of the Flanders clan isn't really made explicit, they functioned more as just an extreme example of enviable neighbors. A representations of the proverbial "Jones".

I for one think we should be build visually stunning sport complexes in major cities and disburse good ol' Christian bibles to the afghan people and all the countries problems will just fix themselves in a few years….yeah.

Not a very popular one but
The ending to 12 and Holding surprising enough to make me really dig a movie that up until the end I thought was kinda meh.

Have no fears, we got stories for years!

The pieces fit perfectly
Courtney Love did it.

Sequential order rules.