
These are a bunch of glee club kids fighting, how much punching do you expect?
Although the pushing did feel a little excessive after the first minute.

I thought it was hot before and it was not until Happy Endings (television) came up.
I realise I have a huge Cuthbert fan and she was actually what I wanted.

Hate on the Killing, but there is no need to drag my beloved (and beaten) Rubicon into this.

MM rules!

I think the obvious cut out is charming.

I think Scotty will win too, but only because I dislike James more and will vote *against* him.

Me too!

That girl does have giant bazoombas!
I still like Casey though.
Scotty I like how he was slightly less douche-y this week.

Yeah, it was funny because I was just telling someone dieting about how cancer is the best diet.
If you survive.

I love animated CLERKS!
I love the Cape stuff a lot too but not Clerks, a lot.

Where is "The Singing Marrage Ref"?!?

I just want to stick another one in the She is Hot thread.

I hope it…
…does not take a goofy turn.
I do not mean in a weird or sci-fi way, I mean a "Maggie did it" one.

I *like* mood and mudane.
I do not want Sci-Fi or arbitrary weirdness.

"Only Tip Please"?

With the right dipping sauce…

Her "On The Penis"?


I think she is awful, but this song is weird because it is not even catchy.

My favourite parody is "Headline News"
(the Mmm mmm mmm mmm parody)
and my favourite original…
hmm, currently "Skipper Dan"
(the Jungle Cruise at Disneyland one, which it so hilariously mean spirited.)