All Stanley does all day is crossword puzzles. Why the fuck is he on th b-team?
All Stanley does all day is crossword puzzles. Why the fuck is he on th b-team?
I' think Planet of the Apes is the first MST 3000 where I saw a character running in slo-motion and they started making noises as if the were being gunned down. it's one of my favorite scenes in anything.
The way I'd like this show to end is that it goes all the way to the 80s, where a crestfallen Don Draper is staying at Pete Cambells. They catch a Bill Hicks special on HBO, and watch the "Ad-men, please kill yourself, I'm not kidding, this isn't a joke bit," in stunned silence,
The worst scene ever: when Dexter goes into Travis's house and sees the bible with all of the numbers cut out of it, and then GOES BACK TO THE FUCKING LAB to see if the small rectangle cuts of the numbers fit into the small rectangle hole of the bible page, and surpise, they do, and he's like Hello Doomsday killer.…
When I was like 6 or 7 I was watching a Care Bears special where the villain froze all these children solid, and it looked to be forever for these kids, and I thought it would be so horrible to be completely awful to be shut off like that, and then I had the horrific realization that this is what death is, and I will…
Or crazy "live" commercials advertising next week's Community, where they do something like a fake prize patrol or film someone trying to sing or prank chevy chase or something so wild that more people would watch this live other than Big Bang Theory. (I bet there are a lot of fans of both that watch big bang theory…
I wonder if there could be commercials that are designed to save shows. Like it'll be a commercial for a cereal or Taco Bell that says "hey, if you want to save the show, buy this, and mail in your receipt to us saying you saw the commercial." Or ask go online for the coupon with this password, Chang. Or something of…
I have always wondered, if Two and a Half Men was made in England, and everyone had English accents and colloquialisms, would people be falling over themselves in America to say how great it is. I bet they would. I'm not saying this show is that good, just that a lot of BBC stuff is shit, bit people think its…
In this day and age though the originals will always be available, and the best of any generation will want that, because it will be harder to get (though not THAT hard) more obscure, and cooler. If anything, Lucas will be making the originals much more cherished. I don't care about the traits of any gmeration - all…
I'm so sick of Star Wars. The original trilogy was exciting and good, and changed movies forever (for the worse too) but come on, get over it. There's this segment of girls and women now that love vampires, and it's easy to mock them, but at least there's a thousand different directions for vampire fiction to go, and…
I felt that Walt Jr was going to break down after that speech because he probably has a degenerative disease like Walt's dad, and that Walt is so self-centered he couldn't see that he was disturbing his son with this story, because his disease makes him look 'twisted' and could possibly end him like his grandfather. I…
I bet the cliffhanger is that they go into the kitchen of Aunt Birgit, and in the cabinet there's a midget…a midget…a midget…
1) There will be a flashback in a future episode of Gus and/or Mike listening to Jesse's bugged house and hearing Walter's plan to poison Gus, thus giving Gus the idea to poison the cartel. (there's no way they don't have that house bugged.)
I think the idea of comedy becomming more democratic means you now have access to way more crazier, absrud, daring, creative, left-field stuff. Because now that can finally just put something up and the masses can decide if it's funny or not. It doesn't need a corporate approval. Thus you can have a movie star doing…
was first contracted by a bear that had sex with a monkey. She sand a beautiful song about it.
Altman's The Gingerbread Man
How does Robert Altman's The Gingerbread Man compare to Coppola's The Rainmaker? Wondering if Altman did anything amazing with a Grisham book, and if it's worth seeing.
By the way, he loathed this shit. As should anyone.
Patton Oswalt
just did a rant on shows like this on the Adam Carolla podcast about how entertainment at large sucks so much that people like watching train wrecks like this, because it's so bad it's entertainment. The audience is defeated. People open their mouths and let them shovel this shit in.
You have to rate it on an Ebert scale. Ebert has said that Die Hard deserves 4 stars, because you grade it as what it is, and what it intends to do, and Die Hard succeeds completely in being a great action film Citizen Kane gets 4 stars too, but that doesn't mean that Die Hard is better than it, just that Die Hard…
My favorite parts were the "Did you hear about this" over and over, the constant bass line rim shots, and more than anything, Cleto constantly saying "yeah, man, no, man, oh, Jay, that's bad, Jay" Kevin Eubanks style.