
In heaven, it's called ambrosia. And all the angels are black.

However, I do think that our culture is so ingrained with pop culture that when more celebs die from old age or disease it will shake people up way more than this. For those that grew up in the 70s, 80s, when the movie stars start to die — Harrison Ford, Bruce Willis, or say, icons like Letterman, Woody Allen,

There are more celebrities now than ever, and they are getting older and older. As your parent site says "Death still has a 100 percent fatality rate," so we're going to see our idols start dropping like flies. And it's going to FREAK people out. These are big stories because they

How about watching paint dry with a few minutes of the paint having great tits once in awhile.

They are paralyzed, but thankfully that's the move.

How could a movie about a college kid stealing a multi-billion dollar idea work? Get a clue Hollywood!

That could had been good. And this can be good too. It does deal with a multi-billion dollar company. However, it should be pretty broad— include little stories/vignettes of multi-millionaires/billionaires of the .com age like the guy who made PayPal that now is working on spacecraft, Tom from the

Actually, Moneyball could had been a damn fascinating movie (like a real-life sports PI) though it would had needed some Beautiful Mind-like liberties to make it work. Zallian and Soderberg were probably way too cold and technical with the script, but this thing had potential to be a baseball Da Vinci Code — though

Trippin' Balls Marx
Someone should definately make a movie about the making of Skidoo. Preminger and Grucho taking acid = hilarity/Oscars.

It's not that Vegas is mapped wrong, it's that it is painted like some kind of holy place. You are a fucking robot Kinkade.

He hadn't noticed that he had Canceraids.

Imagine how good something is that is entertaining as cunt.

"We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be, " is Kurt Vonnegut's moral of Mother Night. I don't see that happening with Colbert, though I expected to see it on these shows. Instead, he took on the question gays in the military, poked fun of not finding WMDs

Harness the energy created by the founding fathers spinning in their graves.

Colbert has been WAY MORE incendiary than Letterman ever has. (And, he was on Strangers with Candy as a gay, flag desecrating man teaching kids) I think most of the right doesn't know that Colbert is being ironic though, because they are so fucking stupid.

It only assures Letterman's win over Conan.

This best Actual Item was a baby raising his arms up saying "Hooray for vaginas!" What made it so good was Richter's response: "It's all he knows."

Rich families are also fun
These fuckers are all from rich families that can foot the bill when the shit really hits the fan. Show me someone raised poor, then got a good job, lost that job, and thought it was "fun" afterwards.

Chris Elliot should had been the star of this
The FX look horrible for this, so I was hoping that this would be a sort of goofy Cabin Boy type movie. That flick had tons of laughs, and even when it wasn't that funny it was still a joy to watch.

Among the same friends and family of mine that loved Sopranos, Deadwood was becoming another "must-see" show. After Sopranos and Deadwood was over most of them canceled HBO. This could had been the second big flagship show for them. Now they have True Blood (which is awful) and Flight of the Conchords — which is