
They show her face so we see that she is alive, but very banged up

Felt like I had run a marathon after that scene was over. 

Felt like I had run a marathon after that scene was over. 

Claire Danes and Damian Lewis are phenomenal.   They take A+ writing and make a A++++ , TV Hall of Fame scene out of it.

Claire Danes and Damian Lewis are phenomenal.   They take A+ writing and make a A++++ , TV Hall of Fame scene out of it.

Carrie is a lot of things but I don't know if I can call her selfish, when her motivation is that she just desperately wants to save lives.  

Carrie is a lot of things but I don't know if I can call her selfish, when her motivation is that she just desperately wants to save lives.  

Regarding the episode title,  I have to wonder if it was always called 'The Smile', or if they realized what they had when they watched the scene in post and changed the title.   Like Todd said, you can hardly script something like _that_.

Regarding the episode title,  I have to wonder if it was always called 'The Smile', or if they realized what they had when they watched the scene in post and changed the title.   Like Todd said, you can hardly script something like _that_.

That smile was MAGIC.  I had to stand up when she did that.

That smile was MAGIC.  I had to stand up when she did that.

When they got the photo of him?  Was that not in DC?  I probably have the timeline wrong there.

But Abu Nazir WAS plotting an attack on the U.S, and he did go to Washington to kick it into motion.   The only thing she was off on was precisely who Nazir was working with. 

What value does the list have, if it doesn't reflect the genuine opinions of the voters?

So the overall list is bogus then..

Lucked out?  A guess?  She knew Abu Nazir's M.O. and that he would not be constructing such an elaborate scheme for one kill.   She unexpectedly sees Brody at the summit.  When Walker opens fire, she knows that Walker would not repeatedly miss his target, and again with her belief that a simple sniper kill was not the

Homeland finale, TV event of the year?   - confirmed.

I think that's a rather simplistic way of analyzing the hundreds of CIA documents on Carrie's wal.  Since the show doesn't really have time to show us all of those documents, I think we have to take their word that Abu Nazir's patterns of actions were markedly different after his downtime than before.

It wasn't just the missing time but what he did following it.

If anybody has a problem with Claire Danes' performance in this episode, then they absolutely suck.