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Sabrina erased his existence after the breakup.

Why would I discount Deputy Leo? He's THE BEST!

That takes me back to me watching this dozens of times.

Counterpoint: Killam's Les Jeunes De Paris-sketches.

Louder Than Bombs
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
Short Term 12
Hannah And Her Sisters
Drop Dead Gorgeous

That is a good distinction.

Shit, are all forgotten heartthrobs Republicans nowadays? I didn't know!

Oh, I thought you mentioned Veronica Mars as a COUNTERargument! I misunderstood your coughing.

Back in the 90s/early 00s we were called Generation Y, but somehow that didn't stick.

To be fair, Veronica Mars was a whole decade later. And Wallace's one romantic arc was with a black girl.

Those were his thoughts about the Macarena, didn't you read between the lines?

Great, the one time I finally get a reply from Tarkovskys_former_AD, and then he assumes I'm American. Well, I guess I take what I can get.

She would be a great Squirrel Woman.

You know, I was all for Whitman, but someone mentioned Eden Sher, and now I can't unsee that.

Um, happy birthday.

She really wasn't. She was adequate.

The great stuff was worth any possible dreck.

Yes, that one pop hit from the New Radicals definitely kept Alternative Rock alive for years.

And 16-year-olds as well, seeing how they were born in 1979. I'd call four whole years' worth of people a lot, but your mileage may vary.

The movie came out 1995 and seeing how a lot of the characters already drive, most of them must have been born around 1979.