I really like the banter on this show, especially between Harvey and Mike. I like Rachel…I do agree that they need to give her more to do, but that scene in the office between her and Mike was really well done.
I really like the banter on this show, especially between Harvey and Mike. I like Rachel…I do agree that they need to give her more to do, but that scene in the office between her and Mike was really well done.
I really like the banter on this show, especially between Harvey and Mike. I like Rachel…I do agree that they need to give her more to do, but that scene in the office between her and Mike was really well done.
Well, I got 5 notifications about it. So, yeah.
Well, I got 5 notifications about it. So, yeah.
I have nothing against this show….I just can't read another piece about it. I mean…I saw the pilot…wasn't a fan, and moved on.
I have nothing against this show….I just can't read another piece about it. I mean…I saw the pilot…wasn't a fan, and moved on.
Eh, this isn't really a issue for me. Honestly, I don't get why people think that spoilers ruin something. Just because I see a spoiler or read something…doesn't ruin the experience for me. Plus, I actively seek out trailers a lot of the time…so yeah.
Eh, this isn't really a issue for me. Honestly, I don't get why people think that spoilers ruin something. Just because I see a spoiler or read something…doesn't ruin the experience for me. Plus, I actively seek out trailers a lot of the time…so yeah.
Ha yeah it was the green screening…it was just cringe worthy bad. I mean I understand budgetary concerns…but yeah. Plus…the show wasn't good.
Ha yeah it was the green screening…it was just cringe worthy bad. I mean I understand budgetary concerns…but yeah. Plus…the show wasn't good.
LOL. The first and last episode I watched. That scene was so bad.
LOL. The first and last episode I watched. That scene was so bad.
Okay, I had time to collect my thoughts. While I did thoroughly enjoy the finale, there were some thing that bothered me. I really didn't like the whole scene with Matt and Elena in the house, where they're basically just using Matt as a way for Elena to expound on which brother she should choose. Like…would Matt, her…
That was creepy as hell.
I'm with you. Plus…I actually do think it would have worked well as a series finale as @AimingforYoko:disqus stated. I mean, I know some people might have not liked all that happy-happy stuff at the end, but c'mon, these characters deserve some normalcy.
It does, but I'm not ready to say goodbye.
Bonnie was awesome tonight. Hope it stays like that.
What makes this worse…is that NBC has yet to make any announcement on Parks (which rates better than 30 Rock/Community).
For real. I know grades don't matter, but this was one of the best episodes. Amy Poehler for all the awards!
Well at least 30 Rock got seven seasons….so I don't mind that. I am getting worried for Parks/Community, though.