He's also played a doctor, during which time we learned that HE IS GOD.
He's also played a doctor, during which time we learned that HE IS GOD.
I have always loved this special, and even found the record album of the soundtrack so that I could use one of those record-to-mp3 thingies so that I could get the songs into my iTunes.
I actually thought about this last night, too - I was expecting Jonathan Waxman to give the winner a copy of his new book, or something. Usually the big-name guest judges give out piles of cookbooks or bottles of wine or trips to their restaurants or something. Maybe it's still to early in the season for that.
The "threw me under the bus" thing was heavily featured in Season 1 of Top Chef, when Miguel (a.k.a. "No, Really, I Don't Have Down Syndrome") accused Tiffani (a.k.a. "No, Really, I Am A Huge Bitch") of throwing him under the bus (I can't remember what for). Then he called her a snake and made a hissing sound.
Well, did anyone else think it was weird that Tony professed to be a big fan of The Bravery? That's kind of like my mom saying that she likes L'il Wayne.
I totally agree - as a fan of Herbfarm and Poppy I was really pulling for Jerry and I think he got hosed. It was clear that the judges loved his duck dish and if they had been judged individually, I think he would have made it through.
More sad than old…
…But it seriously upsets me that when the 2020 edition of Trivial Pursuit comes out, I probably won't be able to answer any of the questions. Think about when the original came out (1982) - everyone sat around and watched their parents play, and all the pop culture questions were ones that all the…
Not to sound like a whiner here
…but I'm a textile designer, and I resent how they turned my job into some ridiculous Microsoft Paint-like "play time" activity. Five casual swipes of a digital paintbrush do not a successful textile make. Unless you are specifically designing textiles for Kohl's. Zing! Industry…