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    God bless people who transcribe shows.

    Reposting is fine, but you don't get the depth of discussion you do here on other sites. Plus, I'm influenced a lot by Kurt Vonnegut, who said, "Human beings will be happier - not when they cure cancer or get to Mars or eliminate racial prejudice or flush Lake Erie but when they find ways to inhabit primitive

    I read it and now I want to respond to that person, but it is very clear that person thinks in one mindset and that is self-promotion and success as the key to self-fulfillment. I tend to not be able to stomach people like that because they very much narrow themselves and the content they accept. When you put a limit

    Just a reminder for everyone joining in that spoilers should be written using the rot13.com cipher.

    I mean, it took over that slot and you'd think there'd be a bleed over in viewers of those shows, so I don't understand why it's a problem. It's the most logical place to put it. There's a way to minimize comments so the people who disagree can just hide your comment and therefore all responses to it, so unless the

    Jacoby hasn't, I have many times, which is why I'm encoding my thoughts on the details in rot13, which ciphers text. We're watching it one by one, which isn't how a lot of people who watched the show after the series finished watch it, so the first episode was hard for me to discuss. This one will be much easier to

    Should be much easier to talk about this episode. (Was worried I wouldn't be able to until the ending happened and I breathed a sigh of relief.)

    He wasn't in it to win it.

    God, I miss the Nolan in love with Jack subtext. When he asked Jack to take the baby and run away with him in the Season 2 finale, I couldn't stop laughing. Jack was just so oblivious to it all.

    Yeah, feel free to! My appreciation for the show only grows every time I watch it. Gur zbivr ba gur bgure unaq…

    "Naq jung V nz qbvat V jvyy pbagvahr gb qb, va beqre gb haqrezvar gur pynvz bs gubfr jub jbhyq yvxr gb pynvz gung va gurve obnfgrq zvffvba gurl jbex ba gur fnzr grezf nf jr qb. Sbe fhpu zra ner snyfr ncbfgyrf, qrprvgshy jbexzra, qvfthvfvat gurzfryirf nf ncbfgyrf bs Puevfg. Naq ab jbaqre, sbe rira Fngna qvfthvfrf

    I hope so. Maybe I should've edited in some random links so it looked like spam.

    I did "delete" it, as it was originally posted under my general disqus account and now the name is removed. I guess by deletion they keep the comment but remove the author's name. =/

    Amy Poehler once said, “Great people do things before they're ready. They do things before they know they can do it. Doing what you're afraid of, getting out of your comfort zone, taking risks like that- that's what life is. You might be really good. You might find out something about yourself that's really special

    I know, but at least this will give you an outlet for spoilers during Hannibal and Twin Peaks. I was going to try to avoid this, but after watching the first episode, I knew there was no way in hell I could get through it without spoiling things. Just copy/paste them into a word document or something so the easy

    It's such a hard show to get people to watch, rfcrpvnyyl fvapr gur fubj yvxrf gb cynl nebhaq jvgu vgf raq perqvgf, rnfvat lbh vagb ybjrevat lbhe rkcrpgngvbaf orsber Znzv'f qrngu. Guvf fubj vf fb jbaqreshyyl pbafgehpgrq gung, rira gubhtu gur cnva naq qrcgu bs gur erfg bs gur frevrf vf fgvyy cerfrag, vg'f pbqrq vagb

    Alright, here's the deal. The other site I mentioned in the Peacekeeper Wars discussion, mark watches, is all about a guy watching series unspoiled. However, there's still discussion between the people who view the site, including spoilers. The way this is handled is by people using a website called rot13.com. Type in

    Tomorrow it is! And definitely subbed. While I don't mind dubs, whatever way I watch a series first tends to be what sticks in my head as "right".

    Hey, so when did you want to start Madoka? I'm fine with whenever you want.