Wad VanDerTurf

At first I thought you were talking about Houston's Free Press Summer Fest, which has given R. Kelly second billing and is thus perfectly worthy of boycott.

I'd say the substantial part— I never thought he showed anything as a comic actor.

The Lousiana Science Education Act was designed to allow the teaching of creationism as science.

Yes— all these assumptions are based on the idea that people have perfect economic freedom. Perfect freedom to choose a job, perfect freedom to shop wherever best meets their values, etc.

It's that lie of the perfect free market again, the idea that everything wrong with a society can be ironed out by letting the free market do its thing, because everyone, of course, has perfect freedom in choosing an employer or how to procure goods and services.

What's wrong with an entertainer using their platform to advance a cause they believe in?

I would adore anyone from a pretty blond lady to a gay Pacific Islander to a purple pansexual from the planet Bolognese who was this pointed regarding Aaron Sorkin:

A combination of the "Pawnee Zoo" episode + Ron and Tom seeing an opportunity and starting a business where they go buy things for gay people from those businesses (and charge extra to, say, rub it in those businesses' faces).

Joshua's Newswire on the Deadline sort-of apology for the "Do we have too much diversity?" article was great, too.

It's so much easier to just fear and worship than it is to be a better person.

I really thought about changing my name when he left, then I was taken by a combination of apathy and not wanting to give up my commenting history.

Oddly enough, the New Order greatest hits album kinda-sorta resembles dignity as well:

You Might Recognize Dignity If You Had Any Left, Internet

OK, apparently it was Tommy Chong, but I swear Mitch appeared in some smaller role.

Yeah, I think he played a variation of himself as the manager of a Fotomat (maybe he was Hyde's boss?)

It might have been on his last CD, Do You Believe in Gosh? I feel like I've heard that joke before but I don't remember it very well. Whereas I know Strategic Grill Locations and Mitch All Together by heart.

Haha, I should have said "perform live," as opposed to "perform on TV" or "live, but just, like, hanging out somewhere."

Absolutely not.

I saw him in July '04. He was still able to keep it together then, at least.