Hausia Dompa

Rita's for gelato, Graeter's for ice cream.

I warsh myself with a rag on a stick

Nice pore job

It's like taint on your white leather sofa.

They found Atlantis Morrisette? Why wasn't I informed?

You want nice mug cocoa?

No tricky dance moves or high-impact gyrations.

That's my sex box!

"Ten minutes to MCarthy. We're definitely locked in this box with no TV."

Vlad FTW.



Shake it off, soce, he's probably just a no-good Greaser.


Gotta live
gotta live
gotta live

"ejaculating" as "exclaiming" appears uncomfortably often in Uncle Tom's Cabin

Awww, shit. You just got MEMED!

LEE majors?

I warsh myself with a rag on a stick.

You gonna eat that thar turnip, MBS?