Hausia Dompa

"HIMYM isn't written by Dolphins "

Next time you set foot in the beef lobby, check out the detail on the beef curtains.


should have been:

Oh, or course.

But high in cholesterol

No, I like where this is going.

There still a few quotes left, people. GET ON BALL


Josh is like Germany, comma omitting

I wrote the Iggy!

You're missing nothing. It does not bring the funny.

Yeah! Larry Flynt is right!

Karl Malone?

You make a damn good point there, Paul Rueb——I mean Boi Gringo

rioluclu and diowocas are the same person. Schizodork.

This movie ain't fo' all y'all hatas. It fo' tha kidz.

Also, Michael Eisner


I liked him in "The Marine."