If you're interested in seeing Rogue One in 70mm IMAX, good news! It's playing in that format.
If you're interested in seeing Rogue One in 70mm IMAX, good news! It's playing in that format.
Uggh. The midnight show is sold out (unless I want to sit near the front). I might have to see it at 12:15am or 12:30am.
I don't even know what it means to have a hit song anymore. iTunes downloads, sure. But measuring Spotify streams is a different beast I don't quite get.
Also, Sony Pictures Classics. And it's coming out in December, not January.
'membah Chainsmokers and Major Lazer and songs feat. Justin Beiber?
First one, yes. Better than most PIXAR films, actually. The second one was pretty meh.
Hopefully it'll be like the first one, but longer.
It wasn't "her base", it was Obama's base. Younger voters and African-American voters came out for him in a way they didn't for Hillary.
That's not "evil Kermit." That's Constantine. He has a mole, and is a completely different Muppet.
And so we arrive at a place where, thanks to the expanded list, last year we got TWO Best Picture nominees about brilliant mid-century English mathematicians overcoming obstacles.
It was the box office success of The Dark Knight and the artistic success of WALL-E that led to the expanded list of nominees.
Clicked because I thought it said Phil Collins.
Having Grover voice Yoda was probably a clue that he was chill with the Muppets.
Okay, so I have an 80s bias, but here goes:
Gal Gadot is the new Arnold Schwarzenegger. In the sense that they both have accents that usually go weirdly unacknowledged in their movies. Has any character ever asked Arnie "Oh, are you German?" in a movie (because they'd never assume he's Austrian, see).
All we 80s dopes had was a bunch of Amblin Entertainment and John Hughes films, but enjoy your 90s nostalgia, millennials.
Better to ask a Canadian (over 35) how they reacted to Alanis' transition to US megastardom. That one took a while.
Maybe they could remake The Power of One?
JTT wasn't in Blank Check.