And more Americans will probably hear this than have ever heard Blue Rodeo.
And more Americans will probably hear this than have ever heard Blue Rodeo.
Cool, "The English Patient"! Best Picture winner -1996.
Do I see it in two years, or wait thirty years for the definitive version?
Hey, that's Rufus Wainwright's mother you're talking about.
Seconded on "Jacob Two Two" being terrifying. I tried watching it on Youtube last year, and didn't make it past the one minute mark.
If you're Canadian, and between 35-42, you've probably heard of, and possibly seen "The Dog Who Stopped The War." It was horribly dubbed and, umm, doesn't end well, but it was the only Canadian movie most of us had ever heard of.
Assuming that wasn't 80s era #Oscarssowhite sarcasm, no, "Do The Right Thing" was not nominated for Best Picture. Nor "Glory" that same year.
We've all forgotten about "Ghostbusters 2" so let's forget about "Big Top Pee-Wee" while we're at it, and look forward to this.
He could have also quit making movies entirely after E.T.
For goat!
Medicine for goat!
Medicine for goat!
If I may sidetrack this discussion, I refuse to believe that the opening credits to "Three's a Crowd" was anything but a parody of 80s sitcom intros. In the 80s.
Couldn't you argue that the musical "Annie" was a substantially less outrageous version of the comic strip? I mean, it's a fantastic musical, but she doesn't go on any adventures! It's 100% origin story.
He wrote a song for a Chevy Chase movie, so anything's possible.
Jessica Pare is an anglophone, non?
Biggest waste of a rare resource:
Check the internet for the Hudson's Bay location nearest you.
The video for "Can You Feel It."
After staring at the poster for 23 years (I've done other stuff too), I think I just noticed it doesn't really make sense. Murray's hands are on the clock, like someone who's trapped in the Phantom Zone. But he has a bemused look on his face.
So we'll get articles about "The Fugitive" and "Speed" in about a month. But then what?
No. It's about the industrial city in Southern Ontario.