
mikes pretty bullheaded, its what got him killed and its what brings him all of his grief. but he is a smart guy and he makes a lot of sense, so really its more about how he shouldn't get mixed up in sketchy shit that is his problem.

it was pretty fresh effects in its day, that's why. kinda like how avatar was nominated

dont worry about the emmys bro, you worry about you

I think you all have major issues you need to deal with before watching any more television

breaking bads villains had higher stakes and its in nachos best interest to keep cool cause of side deals. I too am into the tone.

a little sick of all the projecting from the comments section and as an aside I don't think I'll watch any more of this show. it's just not that interesting. their lives are fucking dull and so are they as people, it's not an enjoyable watch except for some of the side characters.

she doesnt want him to fuck up his shit by doing legally unethical things. but she doesn't mind him being immoral.

WTF. that fucking guy is obsessively precious about his fucking baseball cards and doesn't keep them in fucking plastic. ya fucking right!

haha ya right. he has an insane amount of dumb fanboys

coming to netflixAMERICA. the world gets smaller.

this is the kind of article and these are the kinds of comments that remind me that im on an entertainment website with people who think they are partaking in something honestly

im not the biggest shia labeouf fan or anything but he seems to be making better movies. havent seen nymphomaniac yet but he was great in fury and lawless which are recent and earlier a guide to recognizing your saints

i dont really want to stoop to your level of fun facts but FYI you can make art for the sake of it and without the primary reason being to get attention

you think doing some little art performance in an elevator in england is a bid for attention when you're a fucking movie star? have you seen how movie stars try and get attention? its different than this. so easy for people to shit on stuff like this. "art" brings out mad insecurities from people.

you are imposing your notion of honesty just as gus and mickey are doing to each other. you cant control people like that, having them say exactly what you want them to say at just the right time. that's not fair to anyone.

i dont see gus being an asshole and i dont see mickey making mistakes. its reductive and ignores the presence of a subtle, untranslatable chemistry. reading into gus and mickeys relationship is like trying to find a date through tinder. you swipe whichever way you like but you're wrong every time. you just arent in

less insane and stupidly dramatic than the first episode but this would be so much better if it wasnt so dramatic all the goddamn time. it feels kinda like gossip girl but with way heavier stakes and its burning itself out quickly. anyways, im not gonna comment anymore about the show its just not worth it to care. its

i agree that the way they act is relatable but your perception of how and why they acted the way they did is way off from how i perceived the same show. much like how in relationships everyone has different sides of the story and are very defensive of their side.

haha, i actually thought that whole thing was too over-the-top and was really out of place. its kind of a lazy trope shows eventually do where when things go bad they have to go REALLY bad, kind of like what gus was complaining about in that writing session, funny enough.

the difference between mickey and gus is that mickey blows off gus in the beginning and gus blows off mickey at the end. when gus gets blown off he's like fine whatever its not happening whereas mickey freaks the fuck out on gus. im not laying blame on either for their reactions cause who the fuck cares how they