
three men and a baby/little lady???????????

i dont believe it.

rachel notley is only 1 year older than trent reznor and naheed nenshi is 7 years younger than trent reznor. nine inch nails is their peer

trent reznor is 50. 3 years younger than obama who is the president of the united stated of america

if she was professional she would just get rid of her agent for offering her something she clearly wanted no part in. instead she publicly tries to shame someone for just doing normal business which is based on appearances cause it doesnt suit her. unprofessional and i wouldnt trust sending her anything when im trying

it was incredibly unprofessional of her

nine inch nails has been around for almost 30 years. not exactly young and hip. this is their favourite band from when they were kids probably

they should release it closer to july 4th imo, its sacred

cool gossip, losers.

whats this news story about?

you're on avclub

avclub is still amazed by supercuts

i agree. he's great and i don't care if he swears or not. i just don't see the selling point for comedy central making this a live event. who cares if its live? a stand up act from a pro such as brian regan is so well rehearsed and worked out before a special that there is no edge, hence no excitement for this live

i dont think peggy's storyline is wrapped up. i think we'll see where she's at in the final episode

he also said something about not needing those vets' change

funny how they pick the guy known for his clean act. i like brian regan but this isn't exactly a risky choice when flaunting the concept of a live event as your selling point.

this show just plain sucked. too slow and so so much filler with bad writing on top of so many half sketched out side characters and cliche annoying wives, girlfriends. i could go on and on but im done