Vonotar the Waiter


@avclub-4ffb0d2ba92f664c2281970110a2e071:disqus: If you ignore the entire point of the post (headlined "IT'S NOT RICO, DAMMIT" and directed at "jackasses on the internet with an opinion") and pretend that there are no deep legal complexities underlying a successful RICO claim, despite the post describing it as "a

Yes, that's why it's worth saying.

That's why I said "alternately"!


So your takeaway from a former federal prosecutor's lengthy explanation of why RICO virtually never applies in cases like this, because it's an incredibly convoluted and complex law, is to straightforwardly assume that RICO certainly applies here?

About 15 years ago, I read a short interview with Cross — I think it was on the last page of Details. I didn't know much about him, or his vehement atheism, and I was high when I read the article, so I missed the sarcasm in his last response, which was something about the importance of prayer. I personally am a big

I would. He just means it's a different and more involved state of mind when you're not just going to work on a movie and then going home that evening. Plenty of artists dig getting away and getting the chance to focus a bit more.

I saw it in the theater and found it godawful boring, offensively so. The plot was so hackneyed that I'm still wondering if it was supposed to be an extraordinarily subtle joke or parody, along the lines of that Lifetime movie with Will Ferrell and Kristen Wiig. Every time I thought they might subvert a trope, nope,

Right — it's not that simple.

The "fire in a crowded theater" bit: famous, and bad, but unfortunately not famously bad.

Right. Banning hate speech would clean up things superficially, but it doesn't actually address the root problem. On top of that, it also expands the government's powers — the same government that employs the police that keep beating the shit out of citizens. And then there's the whole question of enforceability from

"True threats" are punishable, but you have to clear a pretty high bar to classify a threat that way.

Truly, hate-speech laws are an unequivocal good.

“Hate speech and freedom of speech are two different things.”

An interview like this is not hard to turn around quickly. You're basically just coming up with a few questions and then transcribing the responses.


Nah, it's fine unless you're a sanctimonious prescriptivist.


That title is great. See, Rivers Cuomo: You can do dad rock and dad jokes without being embarrassing.