Vonotar the Waiter

That Jason Priestley episode is a fucking classic. "Rub your hiney on that leather!"



@NerdInTheBasement:disqus This was sad, brah.

@NerdInTheBasement:disqus This was sad, brah.

Yeah, I don't think there's any evidence that THE PRINCE is a satire or parody. Machiavelli was just a keen observer of (relatively) successful politicians' behavior, and he wrote about what they did. What made that so remarkable was that all previous (largely classical) treatises on how to be a successful politician

Yeah, I don't think there's any evidence that THE PRINCE is a satire or parody. Machiavelli was just a keen observer of (relatively) successful politicians' behavior, and he wrote about what they did. What made that so remarkable was that all previous (largely classical) treatises on how to be a successful politician

Man, I really hope they can create this tableau.

Man, I really hope they can create this tableau.

@avclub-33beffd09a1b020d1187c6b4b264014a:disqus Just for this one hardcore celebrity porn company.

@avclub-33beffd09a1b020d1187c6b4b264014a:disqus Just for this one hardcore celebrity porn company.

@avclub-33beffd09a1b020d1187c6b4b264014a:disqus Are you kidding? These kids have the most attractive DNA in pop music. And hardcore celebrity pornography should have just about gone mainstream by the time they're of age.

@avclub-33beffd09a1b020d1187c6b4b264014a:disqus Are you kidding? These kids have the most attractive DNA in pop music. And hardcore celebrity pornography should have just about gone mainstream by the time they're of age.

No. I'm not a huge fan of either, but Gwen Stefani has released a number of great pop songs. And Bush was at least a couple orders of magnitude better than Nickelback. This is faint praise, but they deserve every scrap of it. They released some catchy tunes. (Also I saw them live at a festival show at the height of

No. I'm not a huge fan of either, but Gwen Stefani has released a number of great pop songs. And Bush was at least a couple orders of magnitude better than Nickelback. This is faint praise, but they deserve every scrap of it. They released some catchy tunes. (Also I saw them live at a festival show at the height of

If we had seen it before arguing about it, that would almost be a betrayal, really.

If we had seen it before arguing about it, that would almost be a betrayal, really.

This is a semantic issue. "Artless" certainly does not mean "lacking all the qualities of art." For one thing, it couldn't, since no one to date has successfully put together a list of "all the qualities of art." But even more, implicit in the word is actually the notion that the artless thing is art: When we call

This is a semantic issue. "Artless" certainly does not mean "lacking all the qualities of art." For one thing, it couldn't, since no one to date has successfully put together a list of "all the qualities of art." But even more, implicit in the word is actually the notion that the artless thing is art: When we call

I cannot even agree to disagree on this one, but I can agree not to get into a protracted internet debate over it, which is probably a uselessly subtle distinction.