Vonotar the Waiter

"…it's mostly an extended riff on the latter's American Idiot."

OK, that was funny, Jeff.


"Dhalgren," by Samuel Delany
I'd just arrived in a new city, I was trying to write poetry, and my new girlfriend mentioned just before I started reading the book that orchids were her favorite flower.

They're great live — I've seen them four or five times now, and they've improved with every show. Lots of energy, and they put some thought into how to organize their set list.

I really appreciate your posting that link. I am absolutely going to win this masturbation contest now.


@Completely Serious: Truly, truly, truly that arc is a triumph. He ends up having to outwit Panthro—I remember that's where I learned the word "ingenuity."

"Worst idea in modern cartoons"? Perhaps a bit hyperbolic. You probably hate Ewoks, too.

Are you kidding, m1ngle? Thundercats had one of the most richly developed mythologies, incredible casting, and some of the best villains in the history of kids' cartoons. Grune the fucking Destroyer, my goodness.