
Guarantee void in Tennessee.

Yeah, but there are manifold possibilities.

He took a bunch of e and is really pushing the limit.

Man, Dan Savage has really been skipping the moisturizer.

Looks pretty damn Orky, but not enuf dakka.

Needs more Ike Turner.

Road Warrior
Conan the Barbarian (original)
Smokey & the Bandit

Come for the car chases, stay for the fanged chastity belts!

"Those hombres in the secret service wouldn't let ol' Joey B grab his vinyl on the way to the bunker! Heavy, man…"

Well I live in the land of 10,000 Rehab Clinics and it's cold as fuck here, just wonderin…

In Abaath's kingdom cold, at the mountains of madness?

Well, how many mental asylums has Immortal played at?

Holy shit! This looks like something that Leigh Bowery would make (or Vulva from Spaced, for that matter)

After she studies the sanguine.

What? No Felix "Rent Boy" clothes?

You fell asleep to Kraftwerk's Trans Europa Express?! Heresy!

"Victoria Jackson and Fran Drescher did not respond to requests for interviews."

What about Johnny Carlos? He's ethnic!

I always thought golf would be more fun if played with an 80mm mortar instead of balls and clubs.

Quite. They are not nearly as annoying as the Ultraherpes that assless chaps got from that night at the Leather Lodge.