
One giant holds the door for a Stark and dies, another rips it apart and dies.

But that *is* a part of being a good commander - (unlike Jon), Ramsay understood the opponent he was facing.

Ramsay has a lot of , what wrestling fans call, "cheap heat"

Grey Wind - executed by the Freys
Lady - executed by Ned Stark
Nymeria - Released by Arya
Summer - Killed by the undead
Shaggydog- executed by Ramsay

Pun at such a serious situation? You must be barking mad

Did you see that formation and crush or not?

To go for a nice bit of symmetry, I was expecting Ramsay to be devoured by Ghost when I heard the rumbling from a dog.

Oh well, several seasons have passed and it has all come down to the same two people (Daenerys and Jon Snow) winning against all odds

Oh well, people will find the whole thing rather satisfying. But it was all a bit telegraphed really.

"The King will have 19(?) children and you 3. Gold will be their crowns and gold will be their shrouds"

Not sure I'd enjoy a Olenna Walks of shame XD

No, the point is this - any cause - however noble - is going to have a few bastards associated with it - Ice and Fire.

My only problem with the proposed CleganeBowl is this

Totally dug the interaction between the Blackfish and Jaime Lannister. Best GOT scene we've had in quite a while.

For me, the question still remains..why is the King himself afraid of the sparrows?

The thing is they 'dumbed it down' a bit to make audience get the true horror of the situation.

TheonSullied….I'll get my coat

Exactly my point. Has she learnt absolutely NOTHING from her year long internship?

This week's best take away according to me is that people accepting that they are not in control.

If I didn't (sadly) know better, I'd think that scene was a parody clip.