
The timeline is all messed up.

and Mace Tyrell and a bunch of other men being controlled by Cersei.

What's it got to do with male, female etc?

So the kinght of flowers and the King Tommen being flogged around as a pawn in the battle of power between two women is misogyny?

if Several weeks have passed why is Stannis not in Winterfell yet?

And the whole plan of kill-Joffrey-get Sansa-kill Lysa-making me Lord of the vale- promise Sansa to Bolton-tell Cersei-start a war between Bolton and Lannister-making me warden of the North

Do you get the point of the whole Jaime to Dorne thing?

As the kingslayer himself put it

So Ned Stark getting his head chopped off improving Arya's character isn't a huge thing?

Actually Robert would have been amazing.

I seriously don't get the furor over the rapeā€¦like seriously..

All he had to do was order those guys who are supposed to be knights trained for bloody combats to butcher a bunch of religious fanatics instead of bumbling uselessly and looking at mommy

Tommen' s gonna be sleeping in the couch for a long time eh

This is a huge inconsistency

King Tommen of House Baratheon, first of his name, king of the Andals and the first men, lord of the seven kingdoms and protector of the Realm

The Littlefinger plan is just too clever for himself. It is plainly stupid.

Wow Jaime's situation escalated quickly.

Ha ha I kinda root for Stannis too.

Renly was considered a mini Robert Barratheon in the books without the strength but with much greater charisma.

Obviously some blood magic.