And just think
And just think
That makes a lot of sense. Should have figure eighted two blocks though, and cut after like 5 turns.
Andy Samberg's Nicolas Cage was the sneakiest cameo, and it was fucking perfect.
Aren't we all?
For some people, very very good username-comment synergy
Judah Friedlander, yes.
"Would you like to donate a dollar to help Dartmouth students learn to read?" is the greatest Ivy League joke I've ever heard.
Fifth and seventh, respectively.
John Legend singing "I Can't Help It" - which is my absolute favorite song from Off the Wall - was an unexpected and beautiful delight.
You didn't spoil anything in particular, but you sort of opened the door for everyone in this thread subsequent to spoil things, which they kind of did.
That's not the spoiler to which I'm referring, but thanks for playing.
I thought that Dev ended up back at where Francesca was staying at the end. The lighting and such outside the car seemed to be the same as when the car dropped her off.
You just have to want no meaningful connections, which is surprisingly easy.
I'm going to be living alone for the first time in the fall as I pursue my master's degree. I may have to start a blog about my experiences.
The best joke in the episode is Laura Dern knocking on the blanket, them letting her in, and then them leaving her there.
Let me try to reframe Aziz's/Dev's parents for you: They probably are not much less stilted in their day to day lives, talking extemporaneously. I don't think his dad is much different at all, and his mom is probably just a bit happier on average, I'd guess.
Tanvi was perfectly fine.
We're supposed to be spoiler tagging anything ahead of the episode we're commenting on.
Yeah but you were still in Nashville so you had 10913 opportunities for good BBQ and hot chicken.
I really hope it was intentional that they aired this the same weekend as Bay to Breakers