
Yeah, your casual Pixies fan isn't going to recognize "Something Against You"

My prime thought: When a man who is an amalgam of Shinji Mikami, Goichi Suda, and Hideo Kojima offers to pay you to try out is neural implant gaming research project, don't fucking do it!

If y'all don't think Hideo Kojima is working on shit like this right now someplace, there's no hope for you.

I'm just here so I don't get fined downvoted

Very much looking forward to seeing this.

You seem about as qualified to discuss the matter as a Trump voter.

Well I'll be goddamned if every minute of that hour wasn't punch after punch to the gut.

I believe you mean the actor who played Cricket who is played by the actor Leslie Jordan is still alive.

Were you watching in a bar?

I did not realize next week is a double. Whoo boy.

She 100% said Porter Potty.

I very clearly wasn't discounting the episode we are commenting on, dumdum.

A little cleanup: Cohen died Thursday, not Monday; the white guy in the Negan was newsman Chuck Taylor

When was the last time this show was this good? Anyone remember?

I don't like to think about or watch the November Rain music video because I hate thinking of Slash without his hat and/or sunglasses.

I'd settle for being content or content.

It makes sense that he'd have a file on Tesco, given how incessantly his sister blathers on about it.

It was almost like Poussey got out and got on with her life. :'(

That's a bit of an extreme reaction for someone who presumably watched 24 episodes before this point.

I'm just happy that he is healthy and seems to be happy.