
The change in Elektra did feel a little abrupt but DON'T CARE WILSON FISK

I'm behind on Vinyl so I can't comment there, but I thought the Aurora cover was serviceable for the scene. I think it needed to feel a little more bittersweet in a way that fit Japan and Shosh, which is why they probably picked the version they did.

Hedging your bet on which of hear/here is right, huh?

I know that there aren't many of us left watching this week to week, but I'll be damned if this show isn't as good now as it's ever been.

Was it Indian? I thought it was Mexican, what with all the chili pepper shaped lights.

Great work Caroline. I can't imagine having to do 13 reviews over three days and having them come out even half as well as yours have.

The way Karen got into the taxi at the end was so unusually graceful.

I think the counter-argument against is that this situation feels more manufactured.

Was that the first MCU F-bomb?

I thought they seemed familiar.

You know what is a fantastic touch that will almost assuredly go overlooked?

The Battle of Hampton Roads is one of the most beautiful and emphatic and sad songs of the last decade. Always kills me.

He is the only mortal cocksucker whose quickness with a cocky rejoinder has never gotten him a punch in the face.

I've never been too good with names, but I remember faces.

Okay, this is a good use of a GJI.

Sugar, water, purple.

That was a lawn bowling club, not a golf course.


I sincerely hope calling her the Sofa Queen is lampshading the fact that they can't call her the Sofa King

I assume that Barbara Stanwyck's measurements are a reference to Double Indemnity, in that the delayed detonation would make the deaths look like an accident.