Ryan Ruopp

I don't know this for sure, but I suspect that I'll like this episode just like I liked the ones before it.  All the things mentioned as "intolerable" in the review are typical Sorkinisms.  The show is going to be idealistic and pompous and silly.  It's not going to be like Network OR like Broadcast News, it's going

I don't know this for sure, but I suspect that I'll like this episode just like I liked the ones before it.  All the things mentioned as "intolerable" in the review are typical Sorkinisms.  The show is going to be idealistic and pompous and silly.  It's not going to be like Network OR like Broadcast News, it's going

I actually totally agree that this show is low on subtext.  Instead, it's a fairly sincere take on dramatizing Sorkin's point of view.  Since that point of view is one I enjoy hearing, I'm enjoying the show…but it's bizarre and annoying that we have people complaining that Sorkin's characters talk like Sorkin

I actually totally agree that this show is low on subtext.  Instead, it's a fairly sincere take on dramatizing Sorkin's point of view.  Since that point of view is one I enjoy hearing, I'm enjoying the show…but it's bizarre and annoying that we have people complaining that Sorkin's characters talk like Sorkin

I have.  It's bland, but it's not hard to listen to.

Dude, they sound like noise because they ARE noise.

"Especially Me" is a great song.  The rest of the Low album is junk, though.

As  a fat white guy, I object to the suggestion that I would like the crap music on this list.

Wow.  Yes, that's exactly right.

I agree with you entirely except for the song "Civilian", which actually has a hook and therefore kind of works.


Jesus what would they listen to if they WERE music snobs?  Every single thing on this list is boring, low-key distortion with muted lyrics except for the loud yelling music and the loud yelling music with low-key distortion.  Where's the music that sounds like music?

Nearly all of this music sounds like distortion-riddled, fuzzy noise.  If you take out Paul Simon, the Decemberists, Brittany, and Adele this is essentially the recipe for a headache.

Nice to have the Doctor back
Scary aliens. Fun flirty stuff. Lots of good jokes ("they're Americans!"). Can't really want more.

That was borderline unwatchable. There was no plot, nothing at stake, and the pacing of the jokes felt wrong. It's weird to dislike an episode of one of my favorite shows this much.