cornelius tree

They got ahead by giving strong incentives to be allies to them; they're powerful and in some ways reliable (they always repay debts), and they'll absolutely obliterate you if you cross them. They're not as arbitrary as the Freys - even with Tywin's involvement planning the RW, he only victimized a family he was at

I got a lot of "likes" out of "The Roose is Loose" last year on these boards. I might have beaten you to the punch that time, but you've won the S3 "Roose is Loose" race.

We just call it a quarrel.

@avclub-60dd44fc5944d2c8eb5bc7b7b9a3a70d:disqus Have you read this book 6?

"Why did you take Winterfell?"

It's made all the funnier that she's playing innocent for Joffrey when you remember that show Margaery was so eager with the "take me from behind and pretend I'm my brother."

I agree. She seems impassioned, but not reliable.

Yeah, the mirror was a nice touch. Obvious enough for all the viewers, but subtle enough that narcissistic Joffrey wouldn't feel threatened.

It's very plausible that Olenna poisoned Joffrey, and it's also very plausible that Littlefinger was feeding Sansa a sack of shit.

I'm glad they gave her a good treatment, because I think they sold Dolorous Edd short in the series. In order, Edd and Olenna are the characters I'd most like to hang out with.

@avclub-4259dd8f99a128b78539ba11c338f4ca:disqus He is in a Clash of Kings leading the group searching for Beric Dondarrion when Arya stumbles upon him, and more memorably, he's featured in Storm of Swords in a duel with Oberyn Martell. It's a scene that makes him even more insanely big and strongSPOILERSwhen he

To me, the hair, demeanor, and voice make her unattractive, but in a way that makes me like her. I often find unattractive people likeable, which makes it hard for me to call them unattractive, because that's such an insult.


Well, she didn't say that she's not attracted to him and doesn't want to have sex. He's not telling her "you're not obligated to have sex if you're not feeling it." He's telling her to not have sex specifically to evoke a response - and a lot of people don't see that as a healthy role for sex in a relationship.

Yeah, but does that mean he has to do something about it?

Do you get off on being withholding?

I don't like Paul F. Tompkin's mustache. It seems too jokey and makes it harder for me to credit what he's saying enough to laugh at it. Sounds a little counterintuitive, but to me his comedy is at a higher level than that mustache implies.

@avclub-95d952510e02ffba7fa228e4d43866cb:disqus Doing nothing for the time probably is the best way to eventually get her into his possession. Littlefinger seems like the type to keep track of where the pieces are for a long time before he jumps out.

Could be. But that's not self-evident, so it seems like something Savage should address. Clearly they're planning to go to Nevada because they're concerned about illegality. So don't just tell them they can go local, assure them about the risks or give tips on how to avoid arrest.

I understand his point of view, but a lot of readers would care, or at least would find the fear of being arrested for soliciting prostitution a huge barrier to doing whatever he suggested.