
Great piece — I thought Brothers Solomon was a bit of a whiffer, but I liked MacGruber as much as you did. Only thing is, I disagree with the reading of it as a parody of the Bruckheimer stuff:  I was pretty sure they were trying to homage much older, even sillier movies (Golan-Globus, Cannon Films, etc.).  Here was

Really interesting article, and I agree on everything in theory, but my hunch is that the main reason is BUDGETS.  All of the shows you mentioned look straight-up embarassing whenever they get down to the actual action of superheroics.  Just look at that headline picture!  Everything else you mention about good

I could have stopped the movie at an hour too, but just from laughter exhaustion. Otherwise, this is a spot-on review, and better than mine! (Shameless plug: http://bit.ly/ocU1kc. I also did ANACONDA: http://bit.ly/gso8vY)

Phenomenal headline.

How is it sexist to think that this girl isn't convincing (AT ALL) as a doctor? Because I don't think she's convincing (AT ALL) as a doctor, and now I'm having an existential crisis. Have I been sexist all along and not known it?  If it helps my case at all, I also don't find Patrick Dempsey convincing (AT ALL) as a

Really? I found Pan Am to be just as superficial as The Playboy Club, and even more preposterous. It felt like a high school book report version of history, with the bizarre trip to Cuba, for example, turning out to be just a set-up for a corny proposal.  I saw the show as a pile-up of cliches (see: the payoff to the

This movie is really fun with a whole mess of people. If you haven't seen it in a while it's easy to forget what a crowd movie it is. You guys might like this piece I wrote about its most important scene, the last time I saw it in New York: http://bit.ly/n76BBv

Terrific piece. I wrote my own (http://bit.ly/k2rhbe) but I missed the significance of the title, which you discuss in a fascinating way.  I still think the movie is wrong-headed, but that it's called Sucker Punch at least confirms that there was some thinking going on, even if it was totally misguided thinking.

I am not excited. The Clint movie sounded like a much more fun idea than "Son Of Jay-Z" does. http://bit.ly/nFL5eT