Chocolate Eating Jacket


Using the word correctly, Lady Gaga pretty much defines pretension. But if you call a pop star pretentious, people give you a funny look and think you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

My main point is that TV-related news and features has come to dominate the site at the expense of film and music coverage, which is what interests me. I don't know how long you've read AV Club, but there used to be much less television coverage. I am "in-tune" with how TV Club works, I get it. New Girl coverage is

1. When did TV Club and TV-related news and features completely take over my beloved AV Club?

critics are basically jizzing all over everything in reaction to this album and I'm left feeling like a crazy person.

Fucking shit is Sandra Bullock's voice irritating. why is she in this?

I hear that. Monomania is not my favorite Deerhunter album, but I still love it.

"It's the fact that I know what Deerhunter were after." Eat butt.

This album went from ho-hum to fucking awesome for me after about 3-4 listens.

i can't go back in time to read it, but I'll take a pretty clever sci-fi book any day.

It never went away. Fuck yeah, garage rock. And cheers for this compilation, so good.

I've been meaning to read this for years. If you hadn't been a know-it-all ass and said "And hey, we’re not saying that the trailer spoils the entire plot, but the final shot shows the climactic event of the book, so, you know, spoiler alert." The shot probably would have just gone over my head and I would be

maybe you shouldn't go to bars if you're a "non-drinking" type.

i hate all of you

or he could just deactivate and be an adult and say "pay for your own netflix." lying about something this mundane is pathetic.

stop being a fucking pushover and change your password.

you are a dick. use some self control.

you're missing the entire point.

Pretty sure Hopper's declaration of love for PBR has only added to its rebirth of appeal among a certain demographic. If I was the beer company, I would be super pleased. Can't count the number if times I've heard someone drunkenly yell "Heineken, fuck that shit! PABST. BLUE. RIBBON!" in excited reverence for both the

I'd agree with that usually, but incisive lyrics were always a big part of the Thermals appeal, so in this case I think it deserves scrutiny.