Chocolate Eating Jacket

Kevin Connolly has apparently joined the old men who look like lesbians club at a remarkably young age.

Raimi has directed more lousy films than good ones.

I figured it was pronounced "Fox-eh-jen"

I hate how good that was

Is Frank Ocean a worse whistler or singer? Eesh.


Marah, I posed the same question to a friend recently re: how the hell do I know which symphony recordings of major classical works to begin with? I still don't have a good answer. Maybe its the rock nerd in me that feels like he HAS to hear the exact canonical version and then catalog it? Does it really matter?


I agree with Super Plus Ice. And it's not just the comments. The coverage of Chicago festivals from the staff is mostly complaining about the heat and the people. Festivals can be a lot of fun. You know what you're getting yourself into, it's not a trick, have a good time and stop trying think your way out of it.

Thank you, Murray. Finally a goddamn sober person.

First, fuck the Oscars. Second, not nominating The Master for best director is surprisingly awesome for them. Not nominating it for cinematography on the other hand …

I am not as internet-angry now, following your measured response.
I am curious as to some of the scenes that led you to confirm your analysis.

I am not as internet-angry now, following your measured response.
I am curious as to some of the scenes that led you to confirm your analysis.

How could you have possibly approached it with that understanding "from the very first scene"?
Are you omniscient? Are you a medium?
In the next sentence you say "I'm sure I'm not the first person who had this reading," implying that you did not read anything prior to the film pointing out this interpretation.
Nothing in

How could you have possibly approached it with that understanding "from the very first scene"?
Are you omniscient? Are you a medium?
In the next sentence you say "I'm sure I'm not the first person who had this reading," implying that you did not read anything prior to the film pointing out this interpretation.
Nothing in

This McConaughey resurrectionism is such BS. His performance in "Bernie" was nothing but self-parody. Just because he was in some good movies this year doesn't make him any more bearable as an actor.

This McConaughey resurrectionism is such BS. His performance in "Bernie" was nothing but self-parody. Just because he was in some good movies this year doesn't make him any more bearable as an actor.

mumford… jesus christ

mumford… jesus christ

Masked Intruder makes terrible novelty songs that belong no where but a Dr. Demento compilation.