Chocolate Eating Jacket

Peoria. Eat it, world.

shut the fuck up, mediocrates. no self-respecting writer would ever go along with the up-down-up-down capitalization throughout a review.

you're welcome!

I'm not* talking about Zoidberg's post

every Kills record has been worse than the one before it.
The debut rocks nearly as hard as a full band. Fuck the People, Fried My Little Brains, etc, all awesome.

i really hate everything about this band's sound.

I'm talking about Zoidberg's post, but it's irritating when people say they like an album because of the "beats" and it's not a hip-hop, or electronic, or RnB album. Someone once told me they like Kings of Leon's last album because "I like the beats."

short stories rule
"Welcome to the Monkey House" is great, and would be just as good an intro as "Cats Cradle" or "Slaughterhouse 5."

the first thing i did when I got my paper route in 5th grade was sign u for BMG, and then cancel the monthly selection.

shit, his ego isn't nearly as big as I thought it would be
I don't like most of Stone's films, but dammit, he comes off as kind of likable here.

"De Palma's Hitchock riffs are nearly always enhanced by twisted sex and a wonderful of winking sleaziness"

dammit, if I had the investment cash I could buy it, divide it into 5 smaller locks and sell all of those for a killing.

Ubik is my favorite PKD book. I am excited for this … but if that little punk Gondry screws this up … I'll be pretty grumpy.

I've seen it, it does not look or feel like a reality show. It looks like a single-camera sitcom.

i didn't think this show had any pretense of not being scripted.

Phoenix is good.
Muse sucks.

they were great in middle school. i read just about all that were available at the time (1999).

Steve, I get that you were trying to be humorous, but the problem is your references are all wrong. I'm sure there are differences between our generations, but Star Wars is not one of them. I don't think you could have picked a more wrong reference.

hahahaha Kitty I forgot bout them.

and a lot of those same kids were into Nirvana and grunge a few years earlier, because we were too young to understand the feminism and other PC aspects of the music that was trampled by Nu Metal. To most kids my age it was all just loud, kick-ass rock. For the douchey record I always hated Nu Metal, with the