Bigtits McPlotdevice

Ignatiy and Sean are GWAR's Stephen Dorff.

Any game shows with Robert Conrad as the guest celebrity and it would be gold if there's one with him going up against Gabe Kaplan? Go ahead Conrad, break the set, have a tantrum, the cameras are rolling!

Spot is a dog? I know from your past review what Wesley does to hamsters so are they trusting him alone with the dog? Tell me this ends well. Damn Belvedere is a dark show.

Pretty neat. Back when they covered Pet Shop Boys I did request a GWAR Day at AVC including Taste Test.

Not cool that Twisty and Patti scenes together didn't happen.

except on the Academy tribute reel.

He needs to make a Gimp suit out of this pattern.

"He was good a decade or more ago."
-People wondering if they should see the next Cosby or Braff project.

I like the "probably" like this isn't a definite Braff thing to do.

The lamps are a sign of a lightbulb coming on and him getting a sense of hipster purpose.

Shirt is not as cool as him actually getting wallpapered in with only a mouth slit to breathe through.

This gag will be reused as the old robber men hide from the cops.

It's an Eric Cartman like mystery. Why would he have any friends?

5 hours later and no Spike Lee joke?

Snowblinded by Family Ties and Reagan cheerleader Alex P. Keaton, I'll just say I don't know how much whiter you can go.

Maybe Don Lemon's trying to lure Cosby to come on to tell his side of the story, then he'll hit him with
"Bill, why do you feel you need to give these women rufinol? "
"I had to ask."

I remember the Doc Jensen weekly EW pieces. Wonder how he'd be revisiting the show? I think he teamed up with Dan Snierson after awhile to share the love.

These reviews are so succulent. I actually had to go check out the Chris Latta episode just to hear old school Cobra Commander for real.