
I'm also trying to figure out how the other post-Henson's-death movies have "respected the characters." Did it respect Miss Piggy to cast her in the thankless role of Mrs. Cratchett in Muppet Christmas Carol, for instance? I mean, what is he even talking about?

Agreed. He has a lifetime pass from me, but in this case, his credibility is kinda sorta questionable.

Kate Beaton is basically the funniest person on the internet. Favorites: it's all about Chopin and Liszt!

I want to say a genuine thank you for writing this up. I haven't listened to this in years, and now I'm listening to all those YouTube videos all over again. What have I been DOING with my life, not listening to this album? I love it when this happens with this site…

BOH-RING. What happened to the revolution? God, you'd think "Devil Woman" had never been written!

You know, all it takes is someone TALKING about Up again to make me a little teary at my desk. Damn you, Pixar!

Forget Katy Perry— this project deserves her. Let's talk about how depressing it is that Jonathan Winters is working on this crap. Seriously, does he need money? Because I'll send him some.

So, do I read this correct? Does Nic Cage shoot people while fucking a woman in this movie? He also does this in Bad Lietenant: Port of Call: New Orleans. Are there any others? Because if there are, this has Inventory written all over it.

Oh my God, how could I have forgotten that one? It was about that time for me too. I always envied the Eric Stoltz character.

Hey, Will Harris, are you a Norfolk kid? A lot of my own pop culture awakenings took place at the Naro too. Thank God for that place.

I think everyone shook their little impotent fists rather well, yeah. I was a day late to it myself, but I found the thread later, and it was passionate.

Oh my God, the slow-motion feather. Oh my God. Seriously. That is amazing. I am like getting teary, that is so amazing that that image was committed to film. I think I might need to buy this thing. Nathan, would that be wrong?

Talking Heads's first five albums count for me.

I've heard many people tell me that e-readers are great for books you're only going to read once and don't feel the need to own in print. That makes sense, but there's something else that's great for that kind of book too: the library.

I've heard many people tell me that e-readers are great for books you're only going to read once and don't feel the need to own in print. That makes sense, but there's something else that's great for that kind of book too: the library.

Yeah, Donkey Lips, exactly right. Just a few years ago they were still getting Amazon to fulfill Borders.com orders. It was ridiculous— they were doomed from way back then.

Yeah, Donkey Lips, exactly right. Just a few years ago they were still getting Amazon to fulfill Borders.com orders. It was ridiculous— they were doomed from way back then.

May I put in a good word for Fifteen? The short-lived Very Serious soap opera? Actually, it was probably terrible— I barely remember it, just remember liking it. Plus it had that girl who later did The Faculty, another thing I barely remember.

I was born in '79, so I also was a little too old for Pete & Pete when it was on. (Arguably, I was too old for Hey Dude too, but I still watched the hell out of it, possibly because I was a kid with terrible taste.) I think by '93 I'd graduated to Comedy Central's seemingly endless afternoon re-playings of Kids in the

I agree with K. Thrace— other than the weird Indian insensitivity stuff, this was basically an inoffensively boring little show with a basically positive, boring message. Not nearly as egregiously horrible as Saved by the Bell and a lot of Disney Channel stuff that came later.