
Yeah, the Z-nation crew would have given him mercy.

Where is Morgan? Why show those teasers with possibly the most interesting character on the whole show and then nothing?! They could have put those teasers at the end of this season if he's not in it anyway.

I think it is mostly old town Split. The redhead's apartment building seemed too much like Croatia so I googled where they filmed.

Jerusalem being represented by Croatia, my country, where it was filmed. I actually like this show a lot more than I thought I would, a little bit distracted by recognizing my country (same as with GoT). Creepy clone boys remind of Orphan Black a bit but that's just a plus.

Seeing the stranger newcomer, we are yet again reminded that Rick's crew are the dirtiest, nastiest, unwashed survivors in the entire South at least. 'Grimes' for a reason.

Me too, I only watch because of him although now I keep getting flashbacks of Venus.

Jamie the virgin is adorable. Great acting.

I voted for The Knick.

I watched the entire season and it was fun. Really good finale, don't know where they go from here. It's quite silly but you learn to expect it.

They even fish, but god forbid washing up a bit. Even the zombies have higher standards of hygiene. I know in most occasions they are still the morally superior group but I've come to the point where they just embarrass me in front of the villains (them being the group I root for).

It seems that Rick's crew never ever bathes! Others have stayed fairly clean in the zombie apocalypse but not Rick, Daryl and the lot. I swear I can smell them through the screen.

The Knick was the best show of 2014. Too bad many people actually gave up after the opening scene. They lost viewers because of it and later they toned down the gore quite a bit.

Mine too, it was almost flawless! Who can wait until next year! I kept talking to the screen like a crazy person during many scenes, haven't done so much talking and yelling at the TV since the twins attacked Hank in BB.


It's pretty great so far…

He is a really cute geek.

I'd just add Erlich beating up the kid to that. Good times!

Jimmy is back, yay!

Blair Underwood just a token black guy? Are you for real?! He is Mr Harris, jeeezzzz. You cant mistake him.

Huck used to be a likeable character in S01, now he makes my skin crawl, hate any scene with him.