
You shouldnt be so glad, you missed some top notch action scenes with Carrie from the first part of the season, it was exhilarating!

You think Carrie might get pregnant with Brodie and then lose the baby? She is at a hospital in one scene & Saul is comforting her later…. Just wild speculations (still loving Homeland and willing to forgive season 2 flaws)

He used to be concerned about people, now he's just scheming and scheming. I was really rooting for teaming him up with Lewis for a while. Disappointment.

I never watched the Passion but I always laugh at Jesus kicking ass. It's not a show to take seriously but it sure is fun when you just want to relax.

In season 1 they played the theme song from Vikings, 'If I had a heart'

In season 1 they played the theme song from Vikings, 'If I had a heart'

She will be, Im not a fan. Just dont like her face, no other reason.

She will be, Im not a fan. Just dont like her face, no other reason.

I only started watching this summer and I'm loving it, I wish other TV 'clubbers' weren't so mean to me because I like it (pouty face)

I only started watching this summer and I'm loving it, I wish other TV 'clubbers' weren't so mean to me because I like it (pouty face)

Person of Interest is the only procedural or quasi procedural I watch (I avoided it for 2 years because of such shitty remarks only to discover it's a great show), I dont like some of the regulars (Root is annoying, she will become a regular sadly in S03) but other than that, yayyy Person of Interest… you are being

Does this still suck?? I havent bothered with it yet, burning off season 2 of Person of Interest rather (its AWESOMEEEE)

I cant say I really care about anyone now, not even the missing girl, they were all bla compared to Bullet and Ray, it has to be something complicated and I hope we get a clear ending. I'd LOVE to see another season such as this one.

It was too stressful, I almost had a heart attack. But there's still the finale, right? We still dont know everything….ohhhh

I feel physically sick, this was too much to watch. First Bullet then this!?

I HATED it after season 1 and all the disappointment, never even tried watching season 2 and I didnt give a damn about Rosie Larssen and her creepy family but they got it all right this season

Yep, I keep mentioning the PO. All the kids fear him more than the cops.

I still think that probation officer who molested Twitch is involved somehow. He is the person all those kids fear most because he basically controls their lives.

When he kicked her out I KNEW there will be something with him and Linden. They are both so messed up, who else can understand them?

It's getting REALLY good