
You missed a lot of fun moments and great action, nothing deep and philosophical but still helluva good entertainment

Got an A- from me because the Gemma/Jimmy stuff was top notch

Got an A- from me because the Gemma/Jimmy stuff was top notch

Amen to that!

Amen to that!

Yeah, his performance felt a bit weak, but Tig is sort of a moron/trained monkey so thats his limit I guess. There was a lot more emotion about the dog before. Even with all the flaws it was a superfun episode!

Yeah, his performance felt a bit weak, but Tig is sort of a moron/trained monkey so thats his limit I guess. There was a lot more emotion about the dog before. Even with all the flaws it was a superfun episode!

I agree, you have to remind yourself he's the guy who plays Walter White, or even Malcom's dad, or the creepy dentist guy from Seinfeld. He's capable of amazing physical and physchological transformations. But A. Paul is the beating heart of the show…

I agree, you have to remind yourself he's the guy who plays Walter White, or even Malcom's dad, or the creepy dentist guy from Seinfeld. He's capable of amazing physical and physchological transformations. But A. Paul is the beating heart of the show…

I dont think he's attractive at all, even in a 'boy-band' way. I also used to drool over Bloom in LOTR (still think he's esthetically perfect in it) but personally, I would want me some Sean Bean more than any of those other guys (even the old him in Missing & especially from Sharpe days). Even my mum was wow-ed by

I dont think he's attractive at all, even in a 'boy-band' way. I also used to drool over Bloom in LOTR (still think he's esthetically perfect in it) but personally, I would want me some Sean Bean more than any of those other guys (even the old him in Missing & especially from Sharpe days). Even my mum was wow-ed by

Playing the race card on Juice felt really bad for him so I hope he becomes a little corrupt but for the SOA's benefit, cause the way it seems now, they have enough to lock them up, what's the show gonna be about next season? Linc is eeeevvviiilll but has at least 2% more facial expressions than poor botoxed Stahl, it

I keep expecting the current sheriff to start supporting Sons in a way & understanding the deal Unser had with them, he's changed a lot since the beginning of the season

Yep, it's getting a bit creepy; the whole premise was about them moving to a 'safer' place cause the daughter was acting out, now they just cuddle on the couch every evening, barf….