King of the Popes

David Carradine smothered with gravy

Yeah, if it weren't for Lola Lou and ninjavideo FNL would be a hit.

I don't know how well they're known outside the South but in elementary and middle school I checked out Katherine Windham Tucker's "13 (southern state's name here) Ghosts and Jeffrey" series obsessively from the library. "The Hole that Wouldn't Stay Filled", "The Face in the Courthouse Window", and most of all, the

M!zzaundastood, while less believable, was much funnier. Tinky, Striking Leno Joke Writer, ZMF (before the curtain was pulled back) - now those were some quality novelty commenters. Aside from Burl and the occasional David Caruso, the current crop is unfunny and about half as clever as they think they are.

Can't we have a separate canon for teenagers just discovering music? I loved the hell out of the Doors when I was 14 and Morrison's pretentious ramblings seemed really deep, man. Now I've got no use for them (although I do kind of like "People are Strange") but I certainly wouldn't complain if my 12 year old niece

I think it's just somebody ripping off Shepherd Fairey for some kind of viral marketing, but in the week or so since I first saw it I find myself lying in bed and trying really hard not to think about this man (http://thisman.org/). I don't know what they're up to with that site but it severely creeps me out.

Sublime was Jimmy Buffett for the Jackass set. Nothing wrong with that. Also they sampled the Minutemen, collaborated with Pharcyde and introduced a shitload of kids to reggae beyond Bob Marley or Peter Tosh.

Sublime Starship?

Believe it or not, much like the Archies before them, at the height of KISSmania they recorded a series of tie-in albums to go with all the merchandise. Unfortunately they were unable to find musicians quite as talented as the Archies.

Two Questions
Who plays Flava Flav and how did they handle the "shitting on the stairs" scene?

Brett Ratner is so stupid he started a company that consults with brands to increase the effectiveness of product placement in movies. Well, maybe not so much "stupid" as "evil, soulless and dedicated to making a shit-ton of money while aiding Hollywood's long march into creating nothing but expensive, noisy, artless

Big Deal
Master P pioneered this shit years ago. In fact, I think every hip hop cd that came out in the late 90s had a majority of the liner notes devoted to the artists' own designer label, their latest direct to video movie and the upcoming album from their cousin and that kid from down the street. RZA even

In other news…
The Craigslist Killer is still alive… and single, ladies!


Earlier this year I glimpsed my own mortality when I flipped past an episode of ER and saw Kubiak with a head of grey hair and a bushy old man beard.

Mel Brooks might have laid the foundation for the "Movie Movie" movies but there's a big difference between his and theirs. MB movies have jokes. Most of them are really bad, but they are jokes. From what I've seen of the movie movies, they just reference scenes from movies and that's supposed to be funny. The

I'm with the douchey pretentious guy who talked all smart. GI Joe's gonna kick even more ass than Transformers 2!!1!

Not many people didn't listen to Salivation Army's band, but every one who didn't went on to not start a band of their own.

I got nostalgic a while back and dug up a copy of God Fodder to put on my iPod and you know what? It holds up pretty damn well for what it is and it has a lot of great pop songs: "Happy", "Grey Cell Green", "Kill Your Television", "Throwing Things", "Your Complex". And sure enough after not having listened to it

I don't know if anything has changed but few years back P. Diddy owned the rights to King Suckerman and was going to make the movie with himself in the lead role. No thanks. With the right people involved, a King Suckerman movie could be amazing.