
I think the most disappointing part about that Wale track is Lex Luger's warmed over smooth soul beat.  I mean, most of his beats are those pounding nasty bangers full of cheap synths and meticulous drum sequencing.  This is just boring.

Oh boy AV Club commenter opinions on Based God.  Can't wait.

Have you ever read Game Over by David Sheff?  It's a pretty detailed history of Nintendo's rise to the top, and he's not shy about reporting on their more underhanded tactics.

it stands for King Remembered In Time, but since you're a fucking moron, I wouldn't expect you to actually look for any information, being on the internet and all.

Anyone who talks this type of thing is a fucking moron and automatically has bad opinions.

congratulations on being culturally retarded

Who's Montreal? Is the entire Canadian city a band now?

Look there's no need to pile on Craig. Show some sympathy for the mentally handicapped.

Now, I'm just going to toss out my own little observation here: The AV Club is not the place to talk about top 40 music, not because I don't like it, but because of the torrent of dumbshit commenters that seem to place themselves "above it" and take great pains to let everyone know they "hate the radio". It's

(becuase you're a fucking idiot who has no ears for pop music, ref cal)

I dunno, I thought the Mr. Zone 6 and Jewelery Selection tapes were pretty dope. Maybe I'm in the minority.

Hey. Shut up.

Wow, finally someone that is actually intelligent and makes the most frank criticism of the article. But it will get buried back here and no one will read it, but I'll just say good on you, Agent Broyles. This article is complete shit.

Actually this is the kinda stuff that makes people vehemently angry at the AV Club: namely terrible shit that makes facile points that can be applied to virtually any medium and shows within a set genre of television.

Kind of hard to take an opinion seriously when it is being made by a fellatio avatar, but the point is valid.

Actually, I would argue that the reality within lost is rather elastic, what with a world that has its own internal rules that can be broken, same with Fringe. But you can keep trying to defend this awful piece of writing by being a flippant dipshit. That's cool :)

You know, what really gets in my craw here is that you make the broadest points possible, and then bend over backwards to try to prove them. Now, the idea of the article is fine (no it isn't), but making extremely broad points that sit just beyond superficial and then trying to bullshit us into thinking this is some

No one cares about your dipshit list.

Why does everyone like Teen Dream? I can't wrap my head around it.

That sounds like a little bit of a anti-pop bias. You now have terrible, invalid opinions.