
Well, Tool IS pretentious and dull.

Sorry, but Ys is painfully boring.

Boy's and Girls is definitely a good disc with great songs, but Separation Sunday feels more connected and whole as an album. That's my take on it, for anyone who wants to discuss it.

No offense, but Dylan's classics are well behind him. Not to discount his current output, but in all honesty, let's not fuss and worry about it.

You know, I think 50 Number Ones and 22 More would be the best place to start with Strait. Clean, compact discs that mostly highlight his best songs and work.

That's a big LOLWUT right there.

Did anyone else catch this?
I noticed that Don was clumsy and fumbling after Betty confronted him. It was as if Don had been stripped away, leaving only the scared poor kid underneath.

Yesss, we get an assumption on people's taste coupled with an oblique Hitler reference. Godwin ftw.

If we're going to talk about The Chronic, what's wrong with "The $20 Sack Pyramid"?

holy shit. you really believe that, don't you?

then ur dumb

I've been waiting for this forever
And hopefully the review is spot on. Seeing it at midnight, so yay on that.

The promos for "More to Love" struck me as extremely hilarious and sad because it's basically reinforcing stereotypes about fat women. My wife (who is fat) couldn't help but laugh at the attractive plus sized women with gargantuan (haha) insecurities regarding their bodies and their ability to find love.

I'm not saying that. I'm saying that these arguments have been worn out already and bring nothing new to the conversation other than "I AM MAD THAT BAND X (WHICH IS MY PERSONAL FAVORITE) IS NOT MENTIONED ON THIS ARTICLE/LISTED AS AN ESSENTIAL ALBUM".
Though I will check out Napalm Death at your behest, given your

I do think it's a little much to nitpick over an article that's geared toward introducing people to what is arguably the most forbidding and difficult section of music to get into for choosing this album over that album or not mentioning your favorite band.

So we're bickering. Whatever.

Oooo, an internet argument! I've never had one before! Thanks for popping my cherry (see, I can be topical)!
Why are you getting so defensive about what I said? Because I reacted to a throwaway comment you made about adding to the topic at hand? Or the fact that I accused these people of being shut-ins? Why take

And, it seems that your posts on the matter are devoid of content or meaning.
I think it's impossible to have an actual conversation here without it devolving into calling out her chosen profession or the fact that she sounds too eager to please and comes off as fake. From most of the comments I've read, no one seems

But Fall Out Boy is good. I unironically like Fall Out Boy and pop oriented post-hardcore emo and punk. It's just arguing with a wall, except that the wall won't admit that it likes a certain type of music, and frantically tries to delete every instance of Lady GaGa and Kelly Clarkson from their last.fm profile when

Looks like everybody's
Gettin' mad at a pornstar. It's kind of strange actually. It's just a fluff interview with no actual content or deep meaning. Why are all the man-children crawling out of their holes to debate this to death?