Did it perhaps have anything to do with the $5 grams and the Chocolate peanut butter cookies?
Did it perhaps have anything to do with the $5 grams and the Chocolate peanut butter cookies?
They can charge $250 a ticket and sell out three quarters of a pavillion.
Can Neil Young sing?
Is Joe Walsh still alive because I think he probably walks out of that steel cage when all is said and done.
Little Tesla's on the down.
We're a lot like you.
We don't have any money
And there's holes in our shoes.
But it was the 70's. The Bebes are McConaughey and those guys. The Waldos are Adam Goldberg and those guys.
I will say that the original version of Cloak was kind of like Dukie from season 4 of the Wire which isn't necessarily a good stereotype for black characters.
Black Lightning was and is and forever shall be awesome.
I tend to disagree. At the time, most black male superheroes were basically really strong with hard skin. Cloak was different. He was introverted and quiet but had a fairly unique power.
I never knew I would feel this way
And I've got to say that I just don't get it
I don't know where we went wrong
But the pink frapuccino's gone
And I just can't get it back
What is douche chills? I thought we were beyond that. Just stop. Stop.
I thoroughly enjoyed watching Face/Off in the theater. It may very well be both my favorite movie starring John Travolta and my favorite movie starring Nick Cage.
Has anyone mentioned government cheese?That was the best for Mac and cheese and the worst for grilled cheese.
Wait. I am saddened by Charlie's passing and all, but are you stating an honest opinion that Charlie was funnier than Eddie?
Was Rock Band the one with Cavemen Rejoice? Because that song is wicked awesome.
Thank you. Is there something called creatininine? Because I bet that would be dangerous as fuck - mainly because everyone would become W Axl Rose for five seconds every time they said the name out loud.
Wait. Is Creatine dangerous? Based on the slim jim commercial. Also, I am too lazy to look up the correct spelling.
Martin Starr is a god-damned national treasure.
If I were to hazard a guess, I would probably say time travel fuck up.
I soooo wanted to bring up bar pizza in the article a couple of weeks back about different pizza around the country. The Lynwood is the five star gold standard (even if I go to the Town Spa more often).