Mighty Maus

My friend and I had an idea for what we thought would be a great tv show "2 Stoned Guys Cooking Show." Most episodes would feature them forgetting a crucial ingredient, trying to substitute based on what they find in the pantry, and then just giving up and burning grilled cheese sandwiches or ordering pizza.

It is silly that Harbaugh is comparing this to a fumble that goes out of bounds.

Furthermore, any other fumble that goes out of bounds, goes out of bounds on the sidelines (vertical line). In this case, the ball didn't go out of bounds. It crossed the goal line (horizontal line).

It's because the player fumbled the ball into the end zone. The rule is designed to keep from awarding players with a beneficial outcome (possession of the ball, first and goal) based on a bad play (dropping the ball through the goal line).

Why should the team get the ball back after fumbling it into the end zone? That's stupid. Why is everyone afraid of having a rule that punishes a player for making a mistake?

Less like Shaggy.

Rack Raff?

It could have had a story about Andre the Giant.

I had the same reaction, but then I thought "maybe he told that stupid joke early to set-up the audience, as if he is saying "this is what a normal comedian does (lame airport joke), but then this is what I do (proceeds into long political but not particularly funny diatribe).""

The last time I was at Fenway I remember being in line to buy some beer and recognizing that the organist was playing Come Dancing by the Kinks and it just made me very happy. I'm not entirely sure why. My older brothers liked the Kinks and then this song got a lot of play on MTV back in the day. So it just made me

My point was that the themes of heavy metal music tie directly to the themes of this show.

Am I the only one who felt like they missed the boat with the pop music they used in this series?

No. That is a horrible change.

Part of the extreme close ups was, in a way, revealing a third player by removing the television. You are watching Bill on your tv and bonding with him, while he is watching Gary Shandling on his tv and bonding with him. The television is not important. The connections are important.

Those are Bill's complaints to the gym teacher after he gets caught making the crank call. He is always picked last. Everyone knows he gets picked last, but maybe he could be good.

Bill's loneliness stems from his home life. No father and being raised by a single mother. His mother loves him and is working hard, but he doesnt have money and he doesnt have a male role model in his life. He is most likely excluded from sports in gym class simply because he has never had any opportunities or

I liked a steamed hot dog served on a lightly buttered and grilled new england style bun with a thick line of brown mustard down the center of the bun, then the dog, then one spoonful of diced white onions and then two spoonfuls of hot baked beans. Two of these with baked beans on the side.

This is interesting coming from someone who wrote "hard to hate Peyton." Think you can provide one example of Brady bitching out his linemen?

Favorite Lemonheads song?

dirtside has already cut off one of his limbs. don't make him feel bad about a lost hand.