Mighty Maus

Right.  The fact that Hobbes is alive is proof that Calvin kept his youthful spirit and now he's getting an opportunity through his child to let that youthful spirit loose again.  I loved the Pants are Overrated ones.  The others, not so much.  Of course, I'm a new parent.  It's fucking awesome.

fuck man, you define things poorly. 

Being a parent is fucking awesome.  Every day is special and creative and difficult and magical.  Every day is an opportunity to be brilliant and unusual. 

Sorry.  Wasn't asking you specifically.  Was just looking for a spot to discuss the story.

I enjoyed the origin story, but know next to nothing about Star Lord.  What was his mother up to in Colorado that she didn't want the feds investigating?  Is that something that leads to something?  I assume that the Badoon turn out to be the good guys and that the race of white folks into which the Star Lord was born

It seems like some missed opportunities.  I kind of hated that they wrote Luke Cage and She-Hulk as if they were less honorable or heroic than Hawkeye. 

I think Raylan would have arrested Colt mainly to spite Boyd.

Maybe Shelby/Drew had information that was personally embarrassing to Arlo, like the idea that his wife slept around behind his back or something.

I thought it meant Colt truly doesn't give a shit.

Perhaps Drew Thompson got Frances pregnant >> Ellen May.

I don't know if it was the first episode I saw, but it was definitely the one that hooked me as a newb.  I didn't have to know any of the characters or any of the backstory to see that this was a show with some artistic ability. 

"Thank you" needs to be included for showing how sweet this show can be. 

This year was a mild winter up until about two weeks ago when a blizzard dropped over two feet on us, then the next week another four inches.  Giant mounds of fucking snow piled up blocking sidewalks so you had to walk in the street.  Then the other night into yesterday it rained unending washing a lot of the snow

do you have freakishly small hands? because that's what I imagine.

Also, it made me think about Mr Brownstone by GnFnR.

pretty sure old jim didn't write 'light my fire.'

I read this whole thing thinking it was abut Rochester New York till I got to the end.

Wonderful and great timing considering the recent weather in Boston.  I'm emailing this to my wife right now. 

From "Follow Follow: A Book of Reverso Poems"

or…  can they?