Mighty Maus

I don't necessarily want an extended fight scene, but I certainly don't want an extended flashback to Tony and Steve talking about needing to reconfigure the team to be able to meet some unnamed future threat.
In addition, if they are going to introduce new villains with the intent of making them bad-asses by having

Please enlighten me.  In what ways is No Country for Old Men comparable to Avengers #1?

Please enlighten me.  In what ways is No Country for Old Men comparable to Avengers #1?

Monica was great in the latest two issues of Captain Marvel.  Really neat dialogue and it was good to see the two Captain Marvels working together and building a friendship.

Monica was great in the latest two issues of Captain Marvel.  Really neat dialogue and it was good to see the two Captain Marvels working together and building a friendship.

I couldn't follow the first issue well.  It seemed to skip panels.  What happened on Mars?  The female villain cloaked the hulk in a black sphere, and the rest of the team was fighting the two male villains.  We saw the female villain talking to the hulk in his mind, turning his rage against Thor presumably.  Then the

I couldn't follow the first issue well.  It seemed to skip panels.  What happened on Mars?  The female villain cloaked the hulk in a black sphere, and the rest of the team was fighting the two male villains.  We saw the female villain talking to the hulk in his mind, turning his rage against Thor presumably.  Then the

I'm thinking of John Cena and his wonderfully named movie, The Marine, but Angelina's dad wasn't the bad guy.  The bad guy was the T-1000 from Terminator 2.

I'm thinking of John Cena and his wonderfully named movie, The Marine, but Angelina's dad wasn't the bad guy.  The bad guy was the T-1000 from Terminator 2.

What about that white wrestler guy that has the marine buzz and who acted in a couple of films.  He was in some crappy movie where he had to save his girlfriend who was kidnapped by Angelina Jolie's father in a florida swamp or something.  That guy - but with no lines so he doesn't have to talk and his acting is all

What about that white wrestler guy that has the marine buzz and who acted in a couple of films.  He was in some crappy movie where he had to save his girlfriend who was kidnapped by Angelina Jolie's father in a florida swamp or something.  That guy - but with no lines so he doesn't have to talk and his acting is all

communism is an undead zombie.

communism is an undead zombie.

I've read far more of these books than I care to mention, and they can be brainless, fun, but there is no continuity.  They can be read in any order whatsoever.  It makes no difference at all. 

I've read far more of these books than I care to mention, and they can be brainless, fun, but there is no continuity.  They can be read in any order whatsoever.  It makes no difference at all. 

I hated Tom Cruise in Tropic Thunder.  HATED. 

I hated Tom Cruise in Tropic Thunder.  HATED. 

I think it's sexist to assume that Leslie Mann only has her career success due to her husband.  She doesn't have anything to prove.  She's an actress who has been a part of severla successful movies.   I thought she was very funny in Knocked Up and gave one of the better performances of that movie (along with the

I think it's sexist to assume that Leslie Mann only has her career success due to her husband.  She doesn't have anything to prove.  She's an actress who has been a part of severla successful movies.   I thought she was very funny in Knocked Up and gave one of the better performances of that movie (along with the

I'll agree that Frances McDormand is a more talented actress than Leslie Mann, but I don't see why that makes a difference.