Mike From Chicago

I've flown from one end of the galaxy to the other and seen a lot of strange things, but I've never seen anything to make me… you know what? Get the fuck out of my house.

When I was a kid I saw the Universal Dracula a million times, and I think Dwight Frye was my favorite part (or second favorite after Edward van Sloane). My tastes have changed over the years, but that was a fine stable of character actors.

The rats are just a prelude to a man dancing on a picnic table with a goat. Herzog's version, for better or for worse, is like a crazy hallucination, but you can't top dancing with a goat.

The actor who plays Dracula in the Spanish version is too campy for my taste. That said it's a technically impressive movie (and since the camera negative is intact, it's been restored much better than the English language version).

My wife is a huge fan of bowmore, and while I can see the appeal, I don't enjoy the sensation of drinking it. We splurged on a bottle of lagavulin 16 a few weeks ago, and I'll say that it's smoother and easier to drink (might be the age, of course, rather than the brand).

Waking Life is the only Richard Linklater movie I haven't finished (dazed and confused leaves me lukewarm, but it's grown on me). It seems pretentious rather than intelligent, which is a line his movies usually,walk quite well. Call me a philistine if you must.

You've never tried to navigate a four way intersection in berkeley.

I don't care who's consolidating their power!

The Rock Deafener poured his SOUL into the comic for half an hour one Thursday afternoon.

We didn't have Ke$ha when I was in high school. We had Outkast, and little white bread dorks like me would complain about Outkast and listen to Led Zeppelin and Slayer. Turns out, I should've been listening to Outkast.

I have a ball. Perhaps you'd like to bounce it.

I'm always loath to assign "best line ever" to a show this well written, but that is one of my favorite exchanges.

I'm pretty sure Jason segel's entire role in How I Met Your Mother is just that scene of Freaks and Geeks extended for years.

They work much better than the fm adapters (though my last car was a Saturn, so nothing could've made the stereo sound good). The current car has an input jack on the stereo, which makes more sense than any of them.

Pretty sure real media files are the only ones VLC can't read. And that's saying something.

As per my post above,I think Fargo really stands alone. There's very little sexiness to the criminality in that movie (compared to Goodfellas or Pulp Fiction). All of the criminals are grubby, and Frances McDormand barely even seems dogged. It's a movie about small timers fucking up, and there aren't many analogues in

Fargo is not my go to Coen movie to watch for fun (that honor goes to Raising Arizona), but I would say that as a movie about crime,, it's unique in its commitment to the notion that people who commit serious crimes are often stupid and shortsighted and die for stupid reasons, and that any cop with half a brain and a

You know, if I gave the world "baby monkey" and the Buffy theme song, I'd probably feel good about retiring.

Thanks a lot you guys. Now my YouTube history is filled with Parry Gripp songs, and I'm going to have to search for my jack-off instruction videos all over again.

One of the most annoying people I work with insisted on playing "baby monkey" instead of doing some important worky-thing. At first i was annoyed. Then the song was so catchy and adorable that I couldn't really be mad at her. I still had to make a big deal out of getting back to work, though. Sigh.