Mike From Chicago

When my wife and I were in college, she didn't know how to turn off "shuffle" on her roommate's CD change.  We thought we were going to fuck listening to David Bowie, but Blue Oyster Cult came on five minutes later.  She made me stop and turn off the music, even though I think it could've been okay.

She was probably more annoyed at being strapped to a chair with her eyes pinned open.

She was probably more annoyed at being strapped to a chair with her eyes pinned open.

I think leaving aside the in-universe implications of The Body, it's really not a fair representation of what the show is "about."  There's a lot of playfulness and frothy emotion at play throughout the series, whereas The Body is one of the few pieces of entertainment (I would include most "serious" movies in this

I think leaving aside the in-universe implications of The Body, it's really not a fair representation of what the show is "about."  There's a lot of playfulness and frothy emotion at play throughout the series, whereas The Body is one of the few pieces of entertainment (I would include most "serious" movies in this

Insert fart-sound here.  What does that even mean? 

Insert fart-sound here.  What does that even mean? 

Season 1 is an odd beast - the Master plotline is solid, but it only occupies a few episodes at the beginning and end. The stand-alone episodes are variable in quality, and while they're a nice way to get to know the central players, those roles are really cemented in Season 2. I'm willing to grade it on the

Season 1 is an odd beast - the Master plotline is solid, but it only occupies a few episodes at the beginning and end. The stand-alone episodes are variable in quality, and while they're a nice way to get to know the central players, those roles are really cemented in Season 2. I'm willing to grade it on the

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus , what you're describing is the "Rolling Stones/Beatles paradox," where the non-Whedon shows respresent the Rolling Stones and the Whedon shows represent the Beatles.

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus , what you're describing is the "Rolling Stones/Beatles paradox," where the non-Whedon shows respresent the Rolling Stones and the Whedon shows represent the Beatles.

The idea of someone comparing Buffy to Twilight just does not compute.  Even among people I know who don't like Buffy or haven't watched much of it, there's a certain acknowledgment that it's worthwhile.

The idea of someone comparing Buffy to Twilight just does not compute.  Even among people I know who don't like Buffy or haven't watched much of it, there's a certain acknowledgment that it's worthwhile.

When I was growing up, that was what my brothers and I meant when we used the word "awesome" - something silly executed with such verve that it becomes inspiring.  There are a few filmmakers who really capture that kind of "awesome," with Joss Whedon being high on the list.

When I was growing up, that was what my brothers and I meant when we used the word "awesome" - something silly executed with such verve that it becomes inspiring.  There are a few filmmakers who really capture that kind of "awesome," with Joss Whedon being high on the list.

Season 6 is the fifth or sixth best season, and I think the most memorable facets of the master plot are Willow ripping off that dude's skin and the finale.  After three seasons of big-action finales, it was nice to have a quiet wrap-up to the Evil Willow story, even if it was imperfectly written and the stakes

Season 6 is the fifth or sixth best season, and I think the most memorable facets of the master plot are Willow ripping off that dude's skin and the finale.  After three seasons of big-action finales, it was nice to have a quiet wrap-up to the Evil Willow story, even if it was imperfectly written and the stakes

It's also a nice companion piece to The Zeppo, although maybe that's why it didn't make the list.  It needs The Wish for setup, and it's basically Willow's version of The Zeppo?

It's also a nice companion piece to The Zeppo, although maybe that's why it didn't make the list.  It needs The Wish for setup, and it's basically Willow's version of The Zeppo?

@ColdGottoBe:disqus , ouch.  Those are not representative of the series (not even its mediocre episodes).  It's really a great series, you just have to watch Seasons 2 and 3 in their entirety so that you're willing to soldier through the duds in the remainder of the series.