
She's still on the phone. Should I tell her you're busy?

And the female pool has two mother/daughter pairs and a sister pair. Because we're objecting to related people looking like they are related to each other.

They all have a chin. And a nose. HOW DARE THEY.

Roz from Monsters, Inc. would like a word with you.

That's good enough for me.

As was the party music for some reason. Away in a Manger? WTFWD?

You know he wishes that he had (I don't remember his name)'s girl…


Not if my Rooty Tooty Fresh 'N Fruity doesn't arrive in the next five minutes, she won't.

*reads AV Club on iPhone*

So what, we're saying Harrison Ford was the problem with the last one?

El Kabong at 1:04.

ALWAYS record…

♫ Bawn-pa-bep-pa-BAWN-baw… ♫

As long as David Spade is not.


It's a wonderful day for Canada, and therefor, the world.

Brendan Fraser reluctantly nods and weeps in sympathy.

Hannibal Buress as Annie Potts.

As was/is Shia LaBeouf